The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

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Might have to see this:

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This opened here a couple of weeks ago, looks like they did a pretty good job on it.

If you don't know about Thor Heyerdahl he did some amazing things.

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The original is on youtube, but not in English like the one I saw.

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I'd sure like to know how people come up with so many cool ideas for movies. That one looks great!
I think I have read all of Thor Heyerdahl's books. Kon Tiki was the first when a kid, then about his papyrus boats to travel great distances, and another about his life on a very isolated inhabited island with his new wife. An island where outsiders were not part of the culture or looked upon favorably. Basically just getting dropped of there with minimal provisions. Great adventures. I'd have loved to have been on those voyages, no doubt hairy sometimes. The first Ra became waterlogged and sank deeper and deeper. :\:
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The latest trailer...

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And a better one!

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About time they made a sequel!

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I dunno, it looks like it might be kinda silly. This one, however...

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This looks intriguing.

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