The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

This is original.

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Might be fun:

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Damn, I was gonna say I was just about sick of this series, but then I shut up. I like the Rock - he and are are built alike!
Now THAT'S a tired formula, Bruce needs to quash that shit. I guess he thinks since he's worked his son into the action, everyone's gonna love it.
I saw an interview of him about the new one. He seems burned out over the series, maybe acting in general? It was like, "Whatever, fans still want it and I'm getting well paid".
This kinda makes me wish I could speak French.

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The sad thing is, that Derpardo fellow is really that fat, now.
Dead ain't what it use to be.

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Butch, I was just watching a bit of the video you posted in the political forum. I'll watch it all later.

Reminded me of this, have you seen it? It's not bad. 8)

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Doesn't look like the sequel is going to happen, probably how it was meant to be anyway.

Unlike Jackie Chan. His last movie according to what I've read but I've heard that story before.

Looks like a bit like his old ones.

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When I do go, it after the movie's been there at least two weeks and on a weekday matinée.