The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

yah, the Japanese have been doing the giant robot thing for a long time. it looks kind of like gundam vs cthulu sort of. interesting to see deltoros take on the genre.
Saturday early morning cartoons are full of these themes. If I get up real early for a tree job, I can get wound up that way, I mean fighting monsters. The kids suck it up. Those energy balls the good guys throw will do heavy damage.
hahaha...I understand that...I get along best with my grandsons...7 yrs and 2.5 yrs...they loves cartoons, too!!! Although the rasslin' and scrapping on the floor detracts us from the on-screen action sometimes.:)
I am also not a big Tom Cruise fan, but this looks like a good watch.

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Zombie romance. Funny trailer.

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There's a shitload of interesting movies out there!

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Like the title :)

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IDC if this has been posted before ... it's worth seeing again:

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Anybody up for some mindless kick-ass? OHY! (oh-hell-yeah)

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Mustang; this is Big-Top. Bring it up to full package.

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He stays alive? a bit longer in that than in Predators.

Machete Kills is coming, might not be as good as the first but you never know.

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Trejo is cool: he'd be even cooler if he wasn't just five feet tall. He spent a long time in prison. In an interview he said a cool thing, some thing to the effect of "I can't believe the good luck I've found in life. I'm afraid someone's gonna wake me up, back in prison, to go to chow."
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