The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

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Got a kick out of Johnny Depp with a bird on his head. :lol:
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I dunno, I'm thinking that Willis has lost the ambiance, too many paparazzi photos or something.... Maybe not.
Meh, may-be ... but, did you see what made him smile like that? 8)
Now Arnie's back.8)

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I love Arnold! I bet he's making movies til the day he dies. His biography is a great read!
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That reminds me of The Untouchables, should be good.

One of best British tv series was The Sweeney back in the late 70's. Sweeney is slang for Flying Squad.

You probably didn't get it in the US.

Looks like they come close to getting it right in this.

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I guess all the British members don't watch movies or are too young to remember The Sweeney.:(

How about Christopher Walken then, he's done Shakespeare and stuff.

He's usually pretty good to watch.

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I think this a new trailer ... really like the guy that gives him his hat :D

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Cruise is way too small to play Reacher, to be true to the books...but never mind. That hasn't ever stopped movie makers before :).

EDIT: Stig, you beat me to it :D.
In Hollywood, big salaries make up for short in stature. Make up for just about anything else too, except drunk driving and adultery.
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JACK The Giant Slayer ... bwahahaha ... :lol: ... LUV IT! :D

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