The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

Looks to be a good 'un. Who is the young actor playing Conan?

He is Leo Howard, the grown up Conan is Jason Momoa. Never heard of either of them but Ron Perlman [the bearded guy] is great in those sort of roles. Looks good.

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Wow, they actually chose an actor who can move to play Conan.

Arnold was kind of a joke, lumbering about while supposed to be a great fighter.
...Arnold was kind of a joke...

Bite your tongue! He might not have been much of a Cimmerian warrior but I don't think he is/was a joke.

Arnie was fantastic as Conan. I grew up reading old Conan pulp books, when I finally saw the films, Arnie was exactly as I imagined him.

Brevity and smelling errors courtesy of iPhone using Tapatalk
I still smile when I hear the Conan soundtrack of old. its amazing how the movies of the teen years can impact your whole life's memories. Gladiator was an evolution of the genre for me, living up to the abilities and technology of 20 years hence from Conan. As well as having a kick ass soundtrack.
Sorry, I didn't mean to dis Arnold.

It is probably because I'm a martial artist, that I see him as a lumbering beast, a mechanical figure with half the viring missing.

The guy has no grace when moving. He can't use a sword for shit.

Apart from that I like his movies fine.
I try to give credit where its due, he was a good bodybuilder, a mediocre speaking actor, a good action actor, a questionable governor and a shitty husband.
ps, I heard his son hurt himself pretty bad surfing yesterday.
It is probably because I'm a martial artist, that I see him as a lumbering beast, a mechanical figure with half the viring missing.

The guy has no grace when moving. He can't use a sword for shit.

No wonder he made such a good robot
This trailer has a bit more in it
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Arnold was kind of a joke, lumbering about while supposed to be a great fighter.

Stig, all of Hollywood is one big dumb and sometimes enjoyable fantasy. I've heard actors say that it is often boring as hell, too. Conan maybe was bored when killing all those dudes, possibly during the love making too :roll: , anxious to get back to the trailer, watch tv and have a bud. Good corn beef sandwiches can be had in some areas of the town, though.....Jewish delis. Beet borscht rocks too.
Arnie may have got those marbles with the help of the juice, but Conan got them from having to push that big wheel around for all those years. Conan rocks!
I always wondered why he didn't get a physique more in keeping with an under nourished slave who pushes a wheel anti clockwise for 20 years.
How to market this?

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Just watched this, haven't laughed so much for ages. Scenery is not bad either.:lol:

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Looks kinda cool to me.
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