The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

Peter Weir has made a few good ones as well.

This is going to release here next week, think I'll watch it.

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That was a fantastic book. And given the Directors previous efforts, I'm going to enjoy it. Witness and Truman show are in my all time top 10 films.
He's a solid director who makes proper cinema without being too `showy'. looks excellent.
My wife and I watched `The Road' tonight. scary film because it's so plausible.
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I saw that yesterady.:lol:

This sure is odd. [Don't look Darin]

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I see, my mistake. I was just thinking about the scene at about 1.28.

You might like this then.:evil4:

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I think Robert might be related to Christine. [Old movie]

Seriously though, I hope they don't mess that kid up like a lot of others. I don't know anything about her except she was in this.

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No thanks Willie, way too violent.

I prefer British "history".

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A bit better idea of it.

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Just finished watching "The Fighter" on demand......

Excellent flik! Probably Christian Bale's best performance yet.
This looks most interesting!!!

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