The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

The sequel sucked, don't even bother watching. Falling asleep was the best thing you coulda done.
Not my type of movie but I was told it's good, only 70 minutes.

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I've seen a hoodie like that somewhere.:?
Wolf Creek? Lemme google...

And 'ere ya geaux...

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Not my type of flick, either.
Loved it. I liked those two little Italian cars through the movie, the crazy fast pit stop and the MS cameo were pretty cool. Then we spent about 10 minutes watching all the extra stuff along with the credits.
This looks interesting.
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What was that movie released overseas that was like Gran Torino? You guys were saying it was even better then GT though. Still trying to find it, but the old brain forget the name of it now.
Harry Brown?
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Just ordered it on Netflix.

Harry Brown
2009R 103 minutes

When a crew of drug-dealing gang members takes the life of his only friend, Leonard (David Bradley), retired Marine and widower Harry Brown (Michael Caine) decides to take the law into his own hands -- but his old-school training might be overmatched. Helmed by first-time feature director Daniel Barber, this gritty vigilante thriller set in England also stars Emily Mortimer, Iain Glen, Jack O'Connell, Ben Drew, Joseph Gilgun and Liam Cunningham.

Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Iain Glen, Sean Harris, Ben Drew, Jack O'Connell, Jamal Downey, Joseph Gilgun, Liam Cunningham
Daniel Barber
Thrillers, Crime Thrillers, Action Thrillers, United Kingdom, Blu-ray, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
This movie is:
Gritty, Suspenseful
DVD and Blu-ray
Harry Brown is a great film, right up to the last unrealistic scene. Another film that will get you all angry at the criminal underclass is Eden Lake. Brilliant. Very Occasionally we Brits do make a great film.
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