The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

This is gonna be interesting!

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This trailer's muy bueno...

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That looks pretty good. I've always liked Jeff Bridges, guess it's a Sea Hunt thing.

It's hard to believe he'll be 61 this week.

Changed the eye patch, John Wayne was 62 when he did it.


Two guarantees for an Oscar: playing twins or putting on an eye patch. John Wayne chose the latter route to finally win the Best Actor prize for “True Grit.”
There is another good way to get an Oscar(if you don't go too far).

<iframe src="" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="">Never Go Full Retard</a> from <a href="">Nelson Matos</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
This only going to appeal to certain folks who grew up on Japanese anime, but for those of us who did, this is like the coolest thing ever.

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That's just another virgin of Battlestar Galactica.

Check this out - I didn't even know Mel was working.

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I'm weird, I prefer subtitles, especially for Japanese shows.

Butch, the original animated series that the movie is based on came out in 1974, long before Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. It was a ground breaking series.
While you're on about subtitles, I'm just going to watch this on no adds tv, looks like fun.:drink:

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It was, much better than I expected. Subtitles were good, not too much talking going on.
It has to win the "Most Amount of People Killled in a Movie" award. :lol:

Made by a South Korean, set in Manchuria and filmed mainly in Mongolia. Two hours and only two beer breaks. Way better than what I watched the night before, Machete. Apart from a few one liners and spot an actor, not much good.

I didn't recognise Don Johnson.:O

Steven Seagal has some new hair as well I think.
I watched this last night, bit of a let down. Trailer is good, as usual.

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Filmed in Omeo, just over our south border. Really nice down there, I worked in the mountains near there for a couple of years. No work there now much, sort of what the movie is about. It was filmed mostly at night, some daylight pictures here:
Oh hell yea.

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I just watched this. Good movie, carrots sure are good for you, Some nice scenery as well, Monica Bellucchi.

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I can't recall ever seeing him before, but I missed a few years of movies.

If you liked that you really should watch The Good, The Bad & The Weird, [post 337]

The body count is higher I think, and don't worry about the sub titles they're easy to read and like I said, there isn't that much talking going on.8)
I watched the second half of Donnie Darko....I'm going to have to watch it again, but what I saw was very a strange sort of way.

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wow. It played again right after I posted so I taped to watch it just now. It kind of reminded me of what I used to imagine reading Ray Bradbury books as a teen. That was fun.