The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

You gotta hold your mouth juuuuust right!

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This is my thread! MY THREAD!

Imma only one uh posting.

This one's gonna be epic!

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Harry Brown was OK.

Just watched Salt and it was goooood.

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Look at this - a RockEm SockEm movie! Ha!

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I'll be damned! A Thor movie!

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we are currently watching Mater's Tales, an extension of the Cars movie...
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Thor is on my long list, I don't watch that many movies but this looks good. Not new, but I don't think it was released here.

Might watch it tomorrow night, some nice guns. 8)

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You'll want 2 hours of your life back. Unless you've already seen `Pearl Harbour' and liked it, in which case fill your boots.
That looks good.I like the combination of period drama and sci fi. Kind of Steam punk in reverse.
You'll want 2 hours of your life back. Unless you've already seen `Pearl Harbour' and liked it, in which case fill your boots.

It was ok, some good one liners. Better than repeats of Midsummer Murders.:D

Pearl Harbour doesn't appeal to me, might try this next.

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Can't see me watching this, but at 1.27 there is a scene I think someone posted about doing when they were about that age. Things sure have changed.

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Yup, more than once. I wonder how many IQ points we all lost from doing that silly shit? I could be smarter, that's for sure!