The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

Watched this last night.. Good cast. Pretty graphic and bloody. Good watch though !

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Contraband looks ok, be a while till it gets here.

This looks alright as well.

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I want to see this

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Thanks for the NSFK (not safe for kids) warning Darin, Bub just saw that and his belief in Elmo has been destroyed, want to post up some Santa videos while you are at it?
Jeez, sorry Paul. Kids see Elmo in person with the operators hand in him and still think he's real.
technically, enhanced breasts are 'real' too but still....

Its all good, I explained it in the way that the Soaps do, it was a dream sequence ;)
Watched this last night.. Good cast. Pretty graphic and bloody. Good watch though !

Ironclad. I just watched it, not bad.

Sort of like The Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven go to England. Don't mess with a Templar.8)

Stephen, you might like Season of the Witch. Trailer is not real good but it's an ok movie.

Strange scenery, [the witch isn't too bad] and some odd looking trees. Filmed in Hungary and Austria.

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Nicolas Cage makes some silly movies, for the most part. Hopefully, this flick will be a change for him.
He does make some odd movies, I watched Ghost Rider a while back. He seems to have gone 3D now with Ghost Rider 2 and his latest, Drive Angry.

I just watched this while in the swords and stuff mood. I was expecting Germany [] and got Scotland instead.

Turned out alright.8)

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I finally watched Centurion, I posted that before [post 418] I was waiting until I could get The Eagle. Much the same, and I'm about finished with swords and stuff for a while.

Time for a good western, this looks ok.:)

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What gets me is where are the devil/satan worshipers? I mean, if one god is real, then how can there NOT be a bad god... I mean devil? And where are all his followers? His churches? Is there a secrecy rule with that group and if so, why?

I don't understand. If I REALLY believed in either a devil or god, I'd be proud of it! Why so secret? I guess because of the stigma. But still - every town has a buncha god churches, but where can a poor satanist go?

He could go to Sydney.:lol:

I can't get this yet so I don't know how he goes, but he does make a couple of good points.

Filmed here in Sydney and California.

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An earlier flick where Al Pachino made a good devil.

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Remember the old guy on the bus, from awhile back?