The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

I read most of the Tintin books as a kid. I hope to see the movie this week.
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I am a TinTin buff and so is my wife.
We REALLY enjoyed the movie.
They took such care to get even small details right.
Watched "The Book of Eli" last night; one of my Christmas presents.

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i love gary oldman. i want to see this one
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Ed, I was afraid of the same thing.
But they didn't change it, they paid homage to it.
They even had all the details of the stairway to TinTin's aprtment ( sorry, flat!) right, and the cars parked in front, during the shooting.

Haddock was a bit off IMO, bit neither my wife, nor my partner, Richard thought so.
I watched this a few days ago. Sort of a low budget Clint Eastwood type of movie.

It got some good reviews in Canada.;)

A couple of good poems in it, The Men That Don't Fit In is one of my favourites thanks to NeTree a while back.8)

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This is new here, looks interesting. I might give the Coen Bros another try.

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Well I just watched it. They sure make some strange movies, you really have to pay attention.

It might have helped if I had remembered the Mennonite history. #-o

I got it anyway, just a hint.
Wow, I am not sure which thread to put this into but I guess this will work.

This is not only NSFW it is also really messed up. Should be good.

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Looks a bit like Super, it's not a kids show either.

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The funny thing is that THIS is really gonna happen, someday.

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