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Whether fish is considered meat depends on the definition of meat being used:
  • Dictionary definition
    The dictionary defines meat as "the flesh of animals as used for food", which would include fish.
  • Warm-blooded animals
    Some people define meat as the flesh of warm-blooded animals, such as beef, pork, and chicken, and would not consider fish to be meat because it is cold-blooded.
  • Fur-covered mammals
    Others define meat as the flesh of fur-covered mammals, which would exclude fish and chicken.
  • Structural
    Meat can also refer to skeletal muscle, tissues, fat, and innards, in which case fish would be considered meat.
  • Meat includes the meat or bones of mammals and fowl, soups or gravies made with them, and any food containing even a small quantity of the above.
  • Dairy includes the milk of any kosher animal, all milk products made with it (cream, butter, cheese, etc.), and any food containing even a small quantity of the above.
  • Pareve foods are neither “meat” nor “dairy.” Eggs are pareve, as are all fruits, vegetables and grains. Pareve foods can be mixed with and eaten together with either meat or dairy (fish are parve, but not eaten with meat due to health concerns outlined in the Talmud).