The Crushing Of The Blaster

Aside from the obviously unattractive photo,it's just the white blood cells doing their job.A deep wound with massive tissue damage has to heal from the inside out,a long painfull process.

Believe it or not ,I've seen worse.A buddy of mine got caught between two cars and it crushed both legs below the knee caps.It his case it took over a year to heal.It may sound hard to belive but he gets around pretty good these days.There is hope,don't give up the ship,so to speak.
MB that pic is sweet . Does it stink?
Hey man , i think it looks great for what happened to it.
It looks like it is healing fast and well.
:lol: Boys are bad.

That reminds me of when my son got bit by our cowpoop eating dog. He got some nice puncture wounds in his forehead. Went to school the next day, came home and said his head smelled just like cow poop. I thought he was kidding, but it really did. Sure 'nuf......after they cultured it, it turned out to be loaded with Ecoli....didn't know that's why cow poop smells as it does.

Butch, I bet I'm not the only one who thinks of your foot during those 'near misses' now and INSTANTLY becomes more aware/careful.
There's all sorts of nerve damage which manifests itself as constant pins and needles/electrical shocking feeling. The doc says it will go away, eventually. It really messes with sleeping. Pain meds do nothing, but whiskey helps a bit.
There's all sorts of nerve damage which manifests itself as constant pins and needles/electrical shocking feeling. The doc says it will go away, eventually. It really messes with sleeping. Pain meds do nothing, but whiskey helps a bit.

I think I know the pins and needles thing you're talking about now - but on a much smaller scale. I cut my finger once and cut through the nerves. Felt strange for a while. Doesn't bother me anymore unless I hit it funny.
Man when i sawed my calf muscle and most everything else back there i got pins and needles for years. Mostly mine was due to streching the scar tissue out again so i could walk flat footed. 6 full months on crutches and another 6 to finally put my heal down each and every step.If i squeeze it just rt. it burns. Now though the burning feels good.

Like i said i think your foot looks great for what happened to it. Man. You got tough bones.
They said the way i cut it was worse than breaking it . My DR said i was lucky to keep the foot.
Seriously though the pins and needles will feel good to you some day.
Like pain always does in time.,
It will eventually be the healing sign.
Lordy, I hope it doesn't take me THAT long to recover!

Me too kid, but do what the doc says. Keep that foot up and press him for answers. Does that foot look good to him? Ibuprofen, ask him if that will help the swelling. Sorry, it is the mom coming out in me. ( And I know you are not listening! Kids just don't )
MB, there is some silver containing products that will help with the wound healing. If you'd like I can foward your details to a cousin who specializes in hard to heal wounds. My fathers left foot/ankle (I'll hunt for some pics) had deep burns around the cicumference of the ankle quite similar in appearance to yours.

Can you see light between your toes or are they swelled shut? Lacics (spelling?) might help with the swelling. If you'd like, send me info/pics and I can foward it along to those who helped my father.

"Get well soon" :)
Me too kid, but do what the doc says. Keep that foot up and press him for answers. Does that foot look good to him? Ibuprofen, ask him if that will help the swelling. Sorry, it is the mom coming out in me. ( And I know you are not listening! Kids just don't )

Why would I not listen? And why will you not believe me when I tell you Ibuprofen doesn't work? It's not PAIN, it's a nerve thing.

The wound is closing up like it should, Carl.

How is your Dad?
I had knee surgery in 1969 from a football injury and the scar is still kind of tingly when you touch it.