Forty years ago or longer, my neighbor had his foot clipped by a backhoe, a crushing injury that cut deeply into his foot just below the ankle. He was in the hospital for a whole year trying to recover. The doctor wanted to remove his foot above the ankle, but he was adamant about keeping it. Trying to save it was what kept him hospitalized for so long. He's 85 now and has been limping around since getting out of the hospital, swelling and pain still common. He'll come into my shop sometimes complaining about the discomfort. I sometimes tell him to show it to me so he takes off his sock and does. I lightly rub it as if some soothing could possibly help, but obviously it's well beyond that. Aside from the deep scar, the flesh around it and moving ip to his ankle is hard like a piece of wood. It's an eerie thing to feel. I suppose that there isn't much circulation going on near the wound, it's not black but about a third of his foot is a deep purple color. He's tough old bastard for sure, I don't think most people could manage such a long time hindrance getting around. He says that if he had it to do over again, having his foot removed would have been the wiser choice. A terrible injury as a cautionary to working around equipment.