Thanks to G.F Beranek

August Hunicke

Feb 24, 2013
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Pictures taken October 1998

Mr. Baranek, just so you know. . . Your book "The Fundamentals of General Tree Work," I bought in 1998, 12 years into my career. Those 12 years prior to the book were painful ones. I was big on balls and nil on knowledge. I remember once, very early on, agreeing to dead wood second growth fir trees in a cemetery. I stacked two extension ladders, one on top of the other against each tree to get to the first dead limbs and then climbed through them only to tie off and swing to the adjacent trees on a garden hose. People worried about me. It was as though I wanted to make the cemetery my home. I have always been resourceful but I won’t say I wasn't dumb. I needed a teacher but I was almost completely self-taught and well acquainted with a salty mix of injury, ambulance, glory, and embarrassment. In 1998 your book became my teacher. It was gospel. It was a holy vocational bible of skill, teaching, experience, and tactful objectivity. I saw the Jedi-level moves and knowledge I wanted to have. I also saw so many things spelled out play-by-play that I understood but couldn't explain prior to your book. I don't know how many times I exclaimed,
"Wow, there's a name for that!"
Terms like, "trunk drag, and “salami cut,” and even, “nervous tension,” (which, because of you is where I begin when I train someone.)
So many times over the years I've wanted to somehow call you up and thank you for working so hard to share your knowledge. I never dreamed I'd be able to just chat it off to you instantly in such a place as a "Tree house!" But I can so, Thank you! Your diligence, passion, humility, and skill-on-loan from God have played a huge part in my development. I wish I had found your book many years (and injuries) sooner than I did, and because of that I've loaned it to many young woodsmen under my care since. You have the heart of a teacher and the knowledge, skill, and diplomacy to back it up. I've been a grateful student and have attained many victories as a result of it. Also, your dedication to documenting your experience has rubbed off on me, and now in this media-gadget splendor-land of the 21st century I can take viewers places I always wanted to but never dreamed I'd be able to. Thanks for the book. I’m sure it is just a snapshot of your depth but wow! What a picture! It should have a $1000.00 price tag on it, after all, that’s probably the minimum cost to get in an ambulance. -August Hunicke
Well said, August. He has helped many of us work safer, more efficiently and with better understanding. That book is on my nightstand by my bed. I was reading about wood binds last night. Thanks, Jerry!!
Yes, to be able to chat with Gerr is quite awesome. He's wise in the ways of tree work as well as life.
Here here. I agree. Jerry's book and videos have helped me in a huge way too. I bought them before I got climbing gear, and I believe it helped my avoid mistakes and bad habits I may have learned otherwise. I still have your voice Jerry pop into my head sometime when I'm working. Weird, but funny and helpful sometimes. I believe you're part of God's providence as well.
Nice post, August. I think that most of us here have pretty much tried to thank Jerry in one fashion or another. If I had studied all my school books like I did Jerry's text, I might be a doctor or some mad scientist working for NASA, who knows? Some passages committed to memory word for word. Not saying that tree work is anything inferior, just that his book made something really interesting as well as drawing concentration to learn. Admiration for the man behind the words is one big reason why his book was so compelling for me.
Here here Ger! Great post August, I think you covered how we all feel about Gerry and how hes contributed to the advancement of our skills and knowledge!!:thumbup::thumbup:

...and I'll bet Gerry's head didn't even swell a bit when Auguste posted this thread :-)

I have been tree-climbing going on 2 years now. I have read about a dozen Rock climbing books, and then read Jeff Jepsons first books. I only bought your Fundamentals book about 3 weeks ago and am half-way through it.

Much appreciation to Gerry and Jeff for their contributions to this field !

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I was recently reading about the great former Pittsburgh Steeler's linebacker, Jack Lambert, perhaps the greatest lb of all time for any team. Certainly he is in the top 3. Any Steelers fan will have heard about Lambert, and likely will have at least seen vids of his playing. Though he goes to autograph signings, etc., he absolutely will not talk about football. The people in the town where he currently lives, all know that. :\:
Thank you all so much! Your support is so over-whelming. I never ever considered myself anymore than just part of the backbone of hard working people that makes up this industry. An industry I chose to make a career of, after spending 9 years in it. today I am truly honored to receive the accolades that have come from my efforts over the years. Hey, when I started in this business I had absolutely no idea where I was headed. That is the truth.

August, your love of trade and professionalism transcends through your videos. Of which rank up with the best arb videos I've watched on the world-wide-web. The message in your videos pulls my heart-strings. Like Reg C, I can't help but think you're a cool guy. Your actions reflect it. Thank you for being you, and all the kind words and appreciation!

And welcome to the House!

Jerry and Terri B