Administrator Emeritus
What? It's not framed and on your wall??

Great post August. It takes humility to be able to admit our mistakes like that.
Thank you all so much! Your support is so over-whelming. I never ever considered myself anymore than just part of the backbone of hard working people that makes up this industry. An industry I chose to make a career of, after spending 9 years in it. today I am truly honored to receive the accolades that have come from my efforts over the years. Hey, when I started in this business I had absolutely no idea where I was headed. That is the truth.
August, your love of trade and professionalism transcends through your videos. Of which rank up with the best arb videos I've watched on the world-wide-web. The message in your videos pulls my heart-strings. Like Reg C, I can't help but think you're a cool guy. Your actions reflect it. Thank you for being you, and all the kind words and appreciation!
And welcome to the House!
Jerry and Terri B
A bunch of well deserved stuff about G.F.B.
Jerry I personally think theres enough scope, and enough water passed under the bridge to update it, perhaps. If you had the inclination, and the patience. Update might be the wrong word, maybe just the fundamentals haven't really changed. Im sure a lot of people here would be all too willing to contribute input, photos etc....if you wanted any.
Last year was the final print of fundamentals. Other than what I have left there will be no more until an update is done. So much improvements in climbing methods has come about since fundamentals was published, back in 96. It made a good run, but its time has come.
Thank you, Reg
Actually, don't answer. If it happens it happensSo, is that a yes ? I won't tell anyone.
My copy is in a lock up in Manchester... I would like to purchase another just because I want to! Cant be doing without the 'Bible'! Ger are you accepting Paypal?
I hope that big storm that is going on out there (and which is coming our way) isn't hammering you too bad.
We're getting a little bit of wind and rain but nothing big. Nothing like the storms we were accustomed to in the 80's and 90's. Good to read you, Chris!