Tendon Surgery AGAIN!


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
I posted this over on TB yesterday, but thought that I'd share it with my friends and fellow tree workers over here on The TreeHouse as well. I won’t be climbing again for at least 6 months. Some of you will remember that last year at this time, I underwent tendon reconstruction surgery on the inside of my right elbow. I had ruptured the medial epicondal tendon and the only way to repair it was with surgery followed by a very long rehab. The tendon healed great and is doing fine.

The tendonitis condition that was in both elbows was from years of micro traumas sustained from years of heavy weightlifting and with the addition of the tree climbing work that I do, led to an over-use and repetitive strain condition in my elbows.

I knew that the left one was going to have to be done someday, but didn’t think that it was ready to give out so soon. Over the years I’ve had about 5 cortisone shots in the arm and the last one was early this spring. I climbed hard all year long with no issues in either elbow until a few weeks ago.

I was repelling out of the tree, holding on to my friction hitch with my left arm in a semi-bent position. My hitch started to grab pretty tight, so I pulled down harder on it and felt and heard this snap, followed by a HOT, BURNING pain on the inside of the elbow…. I knew right away that the tendon had torn and just prayed that it hadn’t ruptured completely off the bone.

Went to see my PCP the following Monday and was referred to the orthopedic surgeon who operated on my right arm last November. He gave me another cortisone shot (which I had asked for) and ordered an MRI. I got the MRI results last Friday, which showed a 30-50% rupture of the tendon off the bone…f*ck, this is not good I thought. I had to wait another week before I could see the doctor again.

Well, this morning I met with him and he informed me that if I didn’t have the surgery, then I could forget about ever climbing again without pain and constant re-injury. Needless to say, I said let’s schedule it.

I booked the surgery for 3 weeks from now (November 16), so that I can at least attend the TCIA Expo, as well as the upcoming crane workshop, even though climbing is out of the question for the workshop.

I just wanted to share this with you guys and let you know that if you are having over-use injuries, listen to your body and seek the proper medical care that you need. I am only 45 years old, but have beaten the sh*t out of my body when I was younger thinking that everything would be ok…well it’s not. Take care of the most important piece of equipment that you own, Your BODY
Hope everything goes well, Chris. Sorry to hear of your plight.

Man, this makes me worry. My right elbow has been buggin me for a couple of months now, golfer's or tennis elbow I'm not sure. Got to wise up on the climbing techniques, and probably a new handsaw blade would help.
I had surgery on my bicep tendon last winter. I was only down about 10 weeks and then took it easy on it for another couple months. But I'm not climbing any more, either. I think I tore it in the first week of December, surgery 6 days later and did my first tree job the last week of February. For a bad situation it couldn't have been timed any better.
Best of luck man. Makes me think too. My elbows and shoulders have really been getting bad lately. We call it "climbers elbow". It has always been a joke but this year its worse than ever. I am not sure what I would do if I couldn't work or climb for 6 months.

Here's to a speedy and complete recovery.
Real sorry to hear that Chris. It might be time to give your poor arms a break and learn an easier style of climbing.

Trading vitality for filthy lucre. My wife works at a computer and her back, neck and eyes all get strained. I know I'll be in your boots someday, I just hope it won't be anything the docs can't fix. Good luck on the operation and rehab. 45? Doesn't sound that old to me.
Boy, Chris, that's tough man. I'm sorry to this. At least it will be good to see you next week before the operation.

Terri and I wish you all the best and if there is anything we can do just let us know. We'll be there.
Sorry to hear Chris, I know how much you love climbing. Hope everything goes smooth and your back in the saddle in 2012.

I hope this isn't too personal of a question, but how are you handling it financially? Are you prepared to handle the down time?
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I hope this isn't too personal of a question, but how are you handling it financially? Are you prepared to handle the down time?

No worries Brian. I had a really good year up here in the Northeast and banked all my money for a rainy (or snowy) day, so all is good...for now.

One thing that I want other tree workers to know, is that I can't blame all of this on climbing, cause like I said, I've been doing heavy weightlifting/powerlifting since I was about 13 and I know that this all took it's toll.
All the best fella...what is it about the 40's...everything seems to break down all at once, years doing fine then BAM!
Cycling seems to be helping my knees and back...
I hope they get going with all that bionic technology for when I need it. 6 Million Dollar man isn't so far fetched these days, at least in terms of medical bills. I wonder if Steve Austin had to worry about the donut hole in coverage?
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5 days to go before the surgery. I'm climbing one last time tomorrow on a Maple takedown and Oak pruning. I know it'll be painful, but what the hell, it's the last time that I'll be climbing for 6 months, so I gotta have some fun.
That;s a long rehab; i had bicep tendon and one other reattached oct 17, plus spurs and callus ground down. got off the pain pills after 3 days, and am flipping tired of the PT holding back the range of motion. heading to the pool for more work with it. Hopw to be climbing by xmas and in full swing by geezers. then the left shoulder in feb, to be climbing by april.

insurance is very useful for this stuff--i only paid $3k of the >$25k.

at 45 you can expect decades of use, chris--at 61 i expect a good amount of use before quitting--heck why quit? Just lay off the iron--i get sore just looking at a barbell.
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treelooker, glad to hear that your bicep tendon is fixed and that you'll be climbing again soon. What are you having done to your shoulder? I've had both of mine reconstructed over the years from various injuries and they healed great.

Good luck on yours and thanks so much for the well wishes.