Sting = Heal


Sep 2, 2006
I know this sounds way out there.......but.

I started a "bee sting" therapy for my recent flare up of medial epicondylitis..aka elbow. After the first sting the pain was gone and seems to be staying gone......did a couple more.:|: It seems the body produces a cortisone to speed healing...we'll see if it works.

try not to make too much fun of me.
I know...those crazy japenese
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Ok you're starting to go overboard with all this bee stuff. But now that you mention it... what kind of bee?
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I swear the pain relief is way better then vitamen I......We will see if it works long term. I know I'm overboard but WTF....try not to laugh:D
Oh no... I'm definitely gonna laugh. :P

How are you getting the bee to sting your elbow? Sounds tricky...
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temps were at 65 I refilled the sugar feeder. A few bees were wounded in the process so I picked them up and held them to my eblow(medial epi). Burns..... but only for little bit. Then no pain. Still feels good a couple hrs later....dunno. It's whack:O
John said his elbow feels better now, so I'm guessing he did.

Ahh... so they were wounded. May be harder when you have to catch them for the sacrificial healing.
I've also heard it being used for artrithus.

I haven't heard of it actually being used as a cure for arthritis, but there have been several studies that show beekeepers suffer less from it, than the general population.
My wife used to keep bees, so we subscribed to all kind of beekeeper magazines. That is where I've read about it, had lots about the benefits of honey, too. Because of the natural antibacterial properties of honey, it is being use as a wound dressing for burns.
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It wasnt hard to catch them when they are near the sugar feeder...I stung my elbow(right on the epicondyly) three times. This morning it still feels good.

a friend of mine with MS does it as well. There are several websites about Apiatherapy......I guess like Stig is saying, honey is supposed to be good as well. first on that one bro, but I bet it would work:lol:

I was a bit of a chicken at first but I just gently pick up the bee by the wings and hold it to my skin. Actually barely hurt......burns for a few minutes. When you pull the bee away the venom sack stays there pulseing...wierd. And of course it's a death sentence to the bee.

I'm not really sure how much to do it, but since the temps were warm the bees were out. Has to be 55 for them to fly. I'll be the guinea pigs for yall
You want to be aware that there is a thin line between the beneficial effect and taking enough to become allergic.
Many beekeepers who have worked with and been stung by bees for years with no ill effects, suddenly become allergic to the poison.
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I guess I'm not the only punk trying it8)

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I could bee a believer... still no pain?

Beelieve that it works, especially if it producing a cortisone or similar type compound. Cortisone shots are pretty standard practice in sports medicine for damaged and aching joints. Long term use does more harm than good, but I don't know how that translates to what John is doing.