Stihl 500i

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I also quite rarely change the spark plug on my old saws. This usually happens when the spark plug,, dies,,. Usually I just clean the spark plug and adjust the gap. But with the 500i, it's probably not that simple. Stihl simply won't write about replacing the candle after 100 hours of operation. I will definitely follow the recommendations, especially since the spark plug is not very expensive. I think it's unwise to experiment with a chainsaw that costs over $1,000)
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Interesting info.
I'll talk to my dealer, who happens to be the most Stihl knowleadge guy in Denmark, about it.
On the topic of spark plugs and 500i’s. What ngk plugs are recommended for what saws? I see there is a bpmr5a-bpmr7a (if my memory serves me correctly). I have stihl saws from a 201t,251,261,261c,440, 460x2, 500ix3, 661. Where should I use certain plugs?
I picked up a 500i at a big trade show last week, right next to a 462 (which I have)...I am soo SO tempted to clean up my 462 and trade up to a 500i
I've used one for a few hrs a couple years ago and really like it, should I do it?
I'm not sure it would objectively be the best decision to conserve maximum amount of money, but if you think you'll get more enjoyment out of it, it might be worth the added expense. You spend a lot of time at work. Might as well make it the best experience you can.
On the topic of spark plugs and 500i’s. What ngk plugs are recommended for what saws? I see there is a bpmr5a-bpmr7a (if my memory serves me correctly). I have stihl saws from a 201t,251,261,261c,440, 460x2, 500ix3, 661. Where should I use certain plugs?
I'd go with a 7 or 8 to keep it on the cool side, especially if you get the 500 modified. I run #8 plugs, which can be a bit slow to warm up, but are definitely needed when run hard.
Fiona, you can probably guess what my answer is.
If you can afford it, go for it.
The guy who subs for me logging was all about how good the 462 is.
I let him run my 500i for a day.
Next week he bought one for himself and his apprentice.
Oh I love our 500i’s! The 440 and 460’s are all project saws for me right now. Still can’t wait to get them running! I’m going to be ordering some 7’s and 8’s real soon. I’m pretty sure most of them are due for replacement. Another beginner question. Is there any special methods for cleaning stihl “reusable” air filters? I’ve always blown them out with a low pressure air nozzle. Didn’t know if there were other/better options
Banging it on the side of the truck, blowing with my mouth, and/or brushing with a soft toothbrush depending on exact filter design. No point in getting it perfectly clean, cause it'll start clogging when it gets used anyway. Good enough is good enough.
Clean out the air filters with a scrench or air. All the hours I’ve put on Stihl saws I swear they are hybrids designed to run on 2 stroke and wood. The filtration system is terrible at best, yet the saws keep running.

I have Egan foam filters in my 460’s/500i’s and a max flow in the 660 that I run now, they do a much better job keeping out the dust and fines so long as they get oiled. I still tap the foam filters off 3 times a day for what we are cutting.
I wouldn’t recommend using foam filters on fleet saws, I’d be concerned on lack of maintenance or saws sitting too long and the foam not having enough oil.
On the Stihl round filters, I grease the gasket fitting. Seems to help keep fines out of the carb.
I just blow the fillter off with compresed air over the weekend.
That works fine.
But then I don't put nearly the hours on my saws that the rest of you do.
It’s moparmyguy on ope. He has been a builder for awhile and ports saws. One of my guys burned up my 500i and while asking about advise on ope he graciously offered to fix, port, and custom exhaust mod my 500i. All I have to pay for is parts and time. Nutball had a saw from him and a few other guys I know have verified his work for me. Heres a link to the convo
I don’t have the option of husky in my area. There isn’t a single professional dealer in this area for them
I was noticing that on this clearing job. Normally I’m climbing/bucket truck work but every couple months we normally end up with a huge clearing job and I was having to clean out my 261 multiple times a day