King of Splices
Hello boys and girls. As you can see by my avatar, I recently broke my finger. My pinky, to be exact. I'll spare you the details, but it has been making footlocking a lot more troublesome lately.
I've always wanted to put together a ropewalker system
for SRT, and with necessity being the mother of invention and all...
I didn't have the perfect parts yet, but I've been able to come up with something workable. Here's a vid showing the parts and the intended improvements. I'll get an action shot soon when I have a camera
person available.
not sure if I can embed from the phone- but that link'll get you there.
I've always wanted to put together a ropewalker system
for SRT, and with necessity being the mother of invention and all...
I didn't have the perfect parts yet, but I've been able to come up with something workable. Here's a vid showing the parts and the intended improvements. I'll get an action shot soon when I have a camera
person available.
not sure if I can embed from the phone- but that link'll get you there.