SRT base tie question

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Charles, check out this system. You dont need to buy anything, just having an extra rope and a portawrap/figure eight/lowering device/carabiner with munter hitch gives you a great margin of safety with nothing to worry about. The running bowline is a superior choice compared to a clove hitch.

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Thanks Nick. i always thought the clove is better cause u can sinch it tight before u back it up and i watched that vid not to long ago. I only have one rope right now its bout 200 of xtc fire 1/2'' . Is the bowline better sinch properties at the base? What if the bark gives and its slides up the tree'' just wondering not arguing trust me.''..
Nick, can i use my old friction saver for a base tie. It's adjustable. with a R.I.T prusik 6wrap? And, just put the rings together and beener them to the rope?
I dont know about that I would avoid anything that doesnt choke or constrict. On a tulip, or similar, tree with no taper if the adj FS became loose it could slide up a considerable amount.. For me, my goal is to use no hardware in my base tie.
gotcha, Nick. One last thing have u ever had a base tie with the bowline choker config, work up the tree? I'll try that tomorrow.
Can someone please help me on a base tie with a bag full of rope, I want to only pull out the bag what i need and use the rope left over in the bag to do the wraps on the tree and tie off? I don't have a spliced eye on eithier end of the rope. ANY help would be awsome.!
Far be it from me to advise anyone on anything. But, I can share what works for me. When I get the throwline over what I want, I pile-hitch it to the end of the rope out of the bag. Then pull it through the tree back down to the anchor point. I tie a round-turn & running-bowline. The rest of the rope is available for work.
While I don't always use a base anchor, I did exactly that yesterday and today. :)
Thanks for the advice jack . I have seen your vids on youtube pretty awsome ....But, i dont want a bunch of rope on the ground that i woiuld have to pull through to advance my TIP so to speak. I would like to keep all the residual rope in the bag were i tied off at. Maybe i misunderstood your idea. I would have to see a visual for what u explained im confused.:big-bat:.. Im lookin for something simple with little to no gear such as caribiners or such.
Happy fathers day to all the fathers. And Jack your advise is priceless:D i just was thinking of tie a midline running bowline on the non working side at the base tie off. Just thought of that last night when i saw contryboypa on youtube tie it midline. I was like, ''i can do that and see what happens''.
FWIW: If I KNOW my work plan involves moving my TIP, I prefer NOT to use a base anchor. And, what I described was not advice, just personal preference ... I prefer "residual rope" on the working end. But, you've got to develop and 'fly' your own system!

Now, take care:
If you "keep all the residual rope in the bag were I tied off" and you are going to "advance my TIP so to speak" ... MAKE SURE you'll leave enough non-"residual rope" to reach the ground.

However, for what you say you want, you might consider a Mid-Line-Running-Bowline (MLRB) to choke the base anchor. And, even with the MLRB I still prefer using a round-turn before tying the MLRB.

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Awsome. Jack, thanks for the reply!. Hope im not aggrivating anyone here im just trying to figure out what i like and what works best for me. But i like the MLRB for the base anchor. Thats a good idea for me, cause all i really do is go up and climb around then come back down. I try to come back down a different way then i came up to get me use to pulling my rope up and dropping it down the new way i want to go down. And, also i can see why isolating one single limb would be good to adv the TIP. I see your point now. Thanks a million bud.
Jack, I have my way now with the srt base tie, good call on the full round turn i went two full and then tied the mlrb and backed it up with a beener through it like countryboypa. It worked awsome and thanks for your input on the subject.
I was just wondering if it has been ever considered to use a 3 or 4 inch ratcheting webbing strap for a SRT basal anchor? With appropriate hardware at the ends, perhaps a ring and a hook with a latch?
I use a short piece of climb line. RB to tree. Scaffold knot termination to biner. Munter mule overhand tie-off. Simple, cheap, reliable base tie with lowering option ready to go without cutting anything... 1,2,3 you're lowering. Or, just a couple turns around the tree, and tie- off.