Interesting Tautline!
Back to topic,
In the early '80s, I took a rappel instructors course with the military. We didn't have any fancy harnesses or any high tech gear for that mater. They taught us to make/tie a "Swiss Seat" harness with a length of rope. Thats right, a rope harness with no padding, buckles, D's, etc. You learned to do it right or risk looking body parts!!!
We didn't have rope bags, just sandbags to stow the rappel rope.
One guy would hold the sandbag open as another guy would fill it with rope hand over hand. No pattern or fig-8 pattern or anything line that. Just filled the bag and the rope went where it wanted to.
Up on the cliff, we'd secure one end and toss the sandbag w/rope over the edge. It deployed flawlessly each & every time with no knots kinks or twists.
Talk about your K.I.S.S., it don't get any more bare-bones basic than that!
I was at the "M.T.C.C." in Midland Michigan last summer and could not believe number of guys who coiled their climb lines ...and then stuffed them in the rope bags! What a waist of time & energy to say the least!
If they had a bag that stood upright & open (hint hint

), all they would have to do is simply load the bag "HAND-OVER-HAND" and save themselves from getting knots, kinks & twists the next time they deploy their rope!
I'm starting to wonder if this is the reason why some guys use milk crates & 5 gallon plastic pails to load rope into!