Rope Bag Question

two down and one up! Learned on this knot. Whatever climbing hitch you do use, I am a firm believer that you should be able to tie it quickly in any position, upside down, right side up, backwards and forwards or even behind your back.

Seen alot of climbers working hard to tie their hitch, and I think it is unsafe if you dont have it memorized. It should be embedded in your genetic memory to be safe IMO.
Here, here. Knots are something a climber has to do naturally. I still practice bowlines and stuff when I need something to do with my hands. Cool thing about the tautline, you can tie it upside down and backwards with one hand behind your back.

I use'em on my ascender backups because I can tie both sides nice and quick one with each hand.
oooye cmph tie it wmph bff hands td bhindmph mbck nd eetn lunchmph nd blnd fldd nd gaggd n whilf mph grndy isf rlreddy tied inpf ndph doin jobf furmee !!!
... I SAID I was tying TWO at the same time. Tying ONE is easy... I don't even need rope for that!

A course that 'whilf mph grndy isf rlreddy tied inpf ndph doin jobf furmee !!!' ...well, I just need some more practice.