Just to keep everyone up to date, the bags have been delayed (by me) because I've recently bought a new heavey duty sewing machine and hired a new Bag Lady to add to the sweat shop!
I was getting a bit fed up with not getting product made to fill the orders on time. Was no ones fault...it's just the way things happen to be! I figure I can afford a machine and pay another sewer, Bag Lady#2 (BL#2), on a per bag basis.
I've bought the machine on ebay so I likely will not recieve it for (I'm guessing) 10-14 days. Then I have to have the original Bag Lady (BL#1), break it in and then break in the new bag lady to make the standard mesh bags! The new bag lady also has a passion for sewing but doesn't have a day job so production should be RELIABLE!!! (cross your fingers)!
Once I get BL#2 up & running, I can then focus on new designes & concepts with BL#1 such as TL bags and custom work. Taking it to the next level is what I'm talking about!
If all goes well, this should be the last excuse and the last of the delays.
I wish to thank everyone who has purchased one of my rope bags in the past and will get the present orderes filled as soon as time allows. I would imagin it coud take at least a month from now to get things up & running. Thanks to all for allowing me this opportunity to continue producing a quality rope bag for you guys!
BTW, I'm fast approaching bag #100! Whoever the luckey person is who's order happenes to be the 100th bag (either solid or mesh), the bag will be made to order and shipped to them free!

Thanks again guys for your support!
Bob (HC)