Besides for living a “what if” live and constantly being skeptical/concerned for what’s “really” happening. No situation, vaccine, or treatment is perfect for everyone. All of it has risks and side effects. But for some the risks are worth the possible reward. I am a very healthy 28 year old that is a monster in the gym and can run a marathon with ease. Never smoked a day in my life and just hit 6 years sobriety. For me to take a vaccine that MIGHT stop me from getting covid, when the vaccines were made in haste with no known long term side effects. The risk isn’t worth the reward. For my father on the other hand, a 71 year old man with copd and stage four colon cancer that has spread to other organs in his body. The risk of the side effects of a vaccine is worth the possible reward of not dying from covid and getting a few more years with his grand children. I got covid, my only symptoms was a headache and sore throat for two days. I love with me parents due to helping my father and saving to buy a house. I got covid and my body laughed at it, but the vaccine protected my father from the virus in me that could have killed him. Saving me from that life of guilt. I would rather live a “even if” life. Even if I got covid my God would protect me. Even if I’m scared to climb this tree, I have the power in me to do it. Even if I am challenged I am a conqueror in Christ. Even if my whole family died from covid or any other catastrophe and I never got to hold my daughter or son again. They would be loved and shielded while my mission on this earth was fulfilled and I gained the honor of spending an eternity with my savior. Sorry if this sounds preachy, not trying to press my faith but those are the “even ifs” that I live by and I love a pretty peaceful and joyful life amidst all the pain I haven’t shared with all of you