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you like to pretend that you don’t like bad cats, but deep down, you know you do…
prolonged exposure likely to give you toxoplasmosis.
if you'll lie about one thing, you'll lie about another: ecohealth edition
peter daszak failed to report egregious violations of his grant agreement to to the NIH
“if you go past hotwiring viruses to produce 10X the viral load you need to tell us”
that alone is a terrifying basis for a grant’s conditions.
“we went to 1,000 to 10,000X and did not tell you.”
well, that’s getting perilously close to “see you in the hague.”
THIS article is outright astonishing. as more and more info on just what the fauci funded ecohealth gang was doing in wuhan comes to light, it becomes more and more clear just why they were so desperate to hide the facts of the matter.
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this is not “a little reckless” this is “barking insane.”
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i’ve spoken about peter before
so let’s look at what’s new:
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this is, frankly, surreal. a 10,000X gain in viral load may not be intentional weaponization, but you sure would not want to live off the difference. this is WAY past “we just wanted to see what happened.” this is juggling nitroglycerine in a nuclear weapons facility next to an elementary school.
and they lied about it. they did so deliberately and for years.
and that’s what makes this utterly lacking in credibility:
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nothing about this holds water. the overwhelming evidence points to
covid 19 being man made.
the intensity of the
gaslighting on this topic early on is telling. i am not generally a conspiracy theorist,
but this was a conspiracy.
and my how the song has changed.
The Recount @therecount
Dr. Fauci on COVID lab leak theory: “We’ve always said ‘keep an open mind and continue to look.’ So I think it’s a bit of a distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed that.”

June 16th 2021
214 Retweets833 Likes
oh, what a funny coincidence. we just happened to be working on making spike proteins more dangerous in bat corona viruses in the exact place where a novel COV from bats with a massively enhanced spike protein happened to emerge. how odd!

“but it certainly was not us” say the folks who went 100X past the limit of their already completely bat poo insane grant limits and never told anyone.
seriously, is anyone buying this?
ooh, the NIH, who funded this and should not have is saying it’s OK. it wasn’t them. hey, but at least they totally lied, under oath, to congress about funding gain of function research in wuhan. so yeah, let’s trust their take.
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and this take that despite being told, over and over, that this research was breathtakingly dangerous that it was “an accident” that it was gain of function is worthy of baghdad bob. does literally anyone believe this? daszak was BRAGGING about GoF.
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but hey, at least they were not filing the reports they should have about what they were doing. even angela rassmussen, with whom i have certainly had my differences, is seeing serious issues here.
this is not an “oops.” this is is the immunology equivalent of a secret WMD program.
and even angela suddenly wants to be on the other side of this issue.
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and heinies are in the fire here.
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these folks have been lying since the beginning and they keep lying now.
but information is leaking out.
trusting them is like trusting bernie madoff to provide real account returns this time.
this is an issue of global import. if the US paid chinese labs to make this and they leaked it and both countries’ health agencies colluded it cover it up, this is the crime of the millennium.
if that proves out (and it’s still an “if” but woof is the evidence getting more compelling) those involved should literally wind up in the dock at the international court of justice.
small wonder they will do or say anything to prevent it.
but the simple fact is this: anyone who will lie as much as these people have, will lie some more. nothing they say can be relied upon.
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keep digging.
the truth is in here. somewhere.