Regarding Covid

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Is this from observation of what has been coming in at the hospital?

Have you ever heard of the rate going down?
In the last several years I've run across reports of increases in the young, police, military, etc. but never of a decrease.
Stats seem to confirm it's been increasing for the last 20 yrs.
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I have to say it seems that the suicide rate is up around here. I believe covid has pushed many over the top. I think it shows a weakness in our mental health system for those who really need it.

not blaming the pandemic for it but I think it has exposed a weakness in how we help those who need it.

There is no Mental Health system in this country.
Not sure.

The pill pushers are all too happy to medicate and call it good.

We rely too much on medication I think. A more holistic approach is better.

The hospitals were mostly shut down.

The Boomers and Gen X types raised kids and never taught them how to cope with anything.

All coupled with the fact that humans are NOT supposed to be happy all the time.....

We dont negotiate with terrorists Stig.......
stay safe Justin. wash hands, decon that phone, etc......

All good so far. So hopefully there is no more transmission/cases at work. I know one of the people who's off for the potential exposure fairly well so he'll keep me up to date on his situation. Just keeping clean and keeping my distance. My work has a full time position on each shift now that just walks around sanitizing every surface that ever gets touched, I'm guessing his route is about 2-3hrs judging by the frequency I see him. The frigging soap at work which is the good foamy hi powered shit now due to covid is giving my hands a rash so I've got to figure something else out there. Thought it was just my wimp ass hands but I saw a co-worker last night bust out his own hand sanitizer and when I asked him he described the exact same reaction my hands are having to the soap.
As to the mental health bit. I'd have to agree I think. On a personal level a couple people I know have struggled since the pandemic has started. Mental health is a tough one, even with supports/infrastructure in place unless the person suffering has a strong and somewhat educated advocate they are just going to fall through the cracks. I think many people who are otherwise very stable are being affected due to worry about the pandemic or stress from the various restrictions put in place. Could be as simple as having restricted socializing to being outright financially devastated and all stops in between. We all could stand to be a little more polite and kind to one another all the time probably but espescially during these times IMO.
As dumb as this sounds, at night when you go to bed rub some Vaseline on your hands, and if needed wear some cheap disposable plastic gloves so you don't get it everywhere and so you can still read/ scroll on phone, etc. Maybe even go so far as reading what the soap ingredients are on the type of soap doing this, and maybe even start carrying old school unscented bar soap in a plastic bag. My mom and wife both have this same problem, and we've traced it to the sodium laurel sulfate that they use to substitute for actual soap.
It's weird because none of my various soaps at home affect me. Dish soap etc. The orange abrasive mechanic soap doesn't either. Just this weird foaming soap at work. But I have been using the 'working hands' moisturizer cream and it helps out I'll keep the Vaseline in my mind too, thanks.
Re the mental health, maybe years of sailing the ocean, with only two of us, on a financial shoestring has made navigating the pandemic restrictions not the major lifestyle shift that others are experiencing.

I do however miss my mum dreadfully, I didn't really realize how important being able to see her once a year had been that thread that made it 'ok' that I live so far away. She's 84 and an absolute trooper.
Don’t worry dear friends. Biden has fixed EVERYTHING! Three months hence... none of us will even remember this mind-alteringly horrific, deadly pandemic that kills next to no one. That silly Trump didn’t want to work hard enough to handle it properly.:lol:... but Joe ain’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and get stuff DONE!

Just sit back and watch, and LAUGH friends, and mark my words: in three months, COVID, that nasty old devil, will be nothing but old hat, thanks to our new, “Roman Catholic,” president who just voted to re-institute state funded abortion counseling. Get er Joe!... the old timer ain’t afraid of hard work!!

Dave: I deeply resent your use of C.S. Lewis... for, by now, just about EVERYONE knows.. he’s nothing but an old, homophobic, white, sexist, misogynistic racist. How could you sir!... and to think that I used to LIKE you.😡:lol:
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Kyle...I'll see if I can remember to post some sailing picts when I get back home. About 2004 Lindsay and I took the kids to Hawaii to visit her brother, Billy. He was stationed at Pearl Harbor and we had already visited him 2-3 times. We would get cheap flights, he would take 2 weeks off, we would stay with him and he was our tour guide. I never expected to see Hawaii even once...we went FOUR times...awesome times. The last trip he had just bought a 39 foot sailboat. He was a fire control officer (target tracking type fire one time I thought he was supposed to handle real fires...and was a submariner...hopefully not too many fires on a sub). Anyway, we had some real adventures with his sailboat...he was a great navigator from his sub duty. It wasn't until we were sitting on the boat and putting in all new rigging lines (about 2' deep of rope in the cockpit) that he said he had never had any real sailing lessons...he bought the boat, fussed with it, took it out a few times. I asked him how the hell we were supposed to get over to Molokai, the next island over. He said he had read some books on it and we should be OK. And he was right...he is a very bright fellow, very talented, can do most anything he sets his mind to. He is very methodical, smart and funny...a good guy to have around. I'll regal you with picts later in a different thread...big derail just now!
The pill pushers are all too happy to medicate and call it good.

We rely too much on medication I think. A more holistic approach is better.

The brain needs a healthy diverse microbiome to function properly. The bacteria in our guts are like little chemical factories, pumping out serotonin, Gaba, and other feel-good neurotransmitters. Trying to get the brain chemistry right by using serotonin reuptake inhibitors is foolishness when all you have to do is give the body a diverse microbiome that will balance the brain chemistry far better than any scientist or doctor could do.
They also colonize the mucosal lining and help regulate the permeability of the gut. Without a healthy microbiome, the gut leaks proteins directly into the bloodstream, which causes systemic inflammation. Systemic inflammation is the root cause of just about every chronic condition that plagues modern society. My theory is that systemic inflammation makes both the body and the mind more susceptible to injury and slows the healing process down etc.

One of the major health problems today is the amount of food, drinks, medicines etc. that slam the microbiome and the lack of fiber and fermented foods etc that build a healthy gut.

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Years ago I was diagnosed with hepatitis C. I had never been sick before. After some research I soon came to realize that the medical establishment had nothing for me since the only treatment they offered was interferon which you were guaranteed horrible side effects and little chance of it working. I decided to try to keep as healthy as possible and researched what AIDS patients did as those cats are serious when it comes to health as there lives literally depend on it. It really stuck out to me that if your poop floated which they attributed to good internal flaura you wouldn't get AIDS just be HIV+. I always try to keep a good micro biome but it is hard since I have treated for Lymes 3 times now

Its funny that 20 years ago I was telling doctors how important the gut was to our overall health and they used to look at me like I was crazy, now its all in vogue
Interesting on the shit. Fwiw interferon cured my mother of hepatitis C which she had had for many years through a tainted blood transfusion.
Just talked to my orchard-manager friend.

It sounds like rapid-result DIY tests are available. I think he said 15 minutes or less. Anyone using them in the workplace?

He has loads of H2A permitted foreign workers, in camp housing and in the orchards, with shared "commuter" work rigs.

Although they get paid if isolating while positive, they chronically underreport symptoms.

28 cases at present.
40 in an earlier cohort.