Regarding Covid

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Talked to a guy last week who’s in the health care field. He said he won’t be taking it and cited several who’ve had issues...fever, swelling, headaches, etc.
not to mention long-term immune issues... anybody my age remembers a time before words like lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia were common place. There is a whole repertoire of auto-immune diseases that the medical experts can't say what the causes are. There are no tests to id these diseases. They are simply a list of symptoms, that if you have enough of, you get the diagnosis. At which time you go on a litany of big pharma drugs for the rest of your life that simply manage symptoms.

I wouldn't take that vax for $1-million.
Strange article.

Though they reported that basically anyone can write anything on there, later comes The statement that Covid 19 is the "Chinese Communist Party virus"...
Refugees from china being persecuted by the CCP, just might be anti China a bit :lol:
Our papers reported that those people were old and so frail, that they were standing with one foot in the grave and the other on a bar of soap ( They did use a different wording).

So don't waste vaccine on people who are more or less dead anyway.

I think there is a total lack of evidence.

Did they kill the nearly dead people, or did nearly dead people die?

Is the vaccine against death, or coronavirus?
only seen two vaccine reactions in ER. One was anxiety driven. The other had a mast cell disorder. No Epi given, dizzy, nausea, racing heart. Solved with a bag of fluids......observed for two hours

do want you dewormer or vaccine or neither.

good thing I got my polio, small pox, multiple TDAPS, MMR, shingles, flu, Hep B, Hep A, covid, (probably left a few out).....Im a varible walking timebomb full of vaccines. Tried to get rabbies expensinve though.

friend of mine got yellow fever.......declined vaccine before travel. Hindsioght is 20/20 cuz it kicked his ass

If what Dr. Sebastian reports on in this article is correct, the world wide rush for vaccination and its actual effectiveness, might be less easily calculated.
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So we now have one of the highly,
or at least much more contagious variants about half an hour from here, in someone who didn't leave the state, but attended a social gathering. Greeeaaaat! Under sarcastic emoji!

Funcking people!
" Here's a graph THEY don't want you to see"

Those " They"!

A title like that automatically puts them in the Murphy- Frankie camp, so I don't bother read the article.
sebastian rush graduated med school in 2020. in august he wrote this article.

How dangerous is COVID? A Swedish doctor’s perspective - The Spectator - news, politics, life & arts -

which also said that herd immunity had been achieved. a month or two after he wrote it, another 7000 more swedes died. I'm not sure why he is supposed to have any credibility other than being an MD.
You guys crack me up. Are you all really so closed-minded and superior? So much so you will disregard an article because the author made a judgment call in real time as things were unfolding, which he openly talks about, is a medical Dr. but what, too young, to have information of interest, or uses a catchy title that you personally can't deal with?
Yes to all the above, Dave.
Use a title that puts you square in the tin foil hatter camp, and I don't bother to read any further.
Same if someone mentions god ( Any of them).
If that makes me close minded and superior in your eyes, that is a moniker I'll wear with pride.

I'd rather wear that than a tin foil hat, any day.