Regarding Covid

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True. But they’re already fanning the flames of fear with this “new” mutation that has been found in TWO PEOPLE...
I agree on "fanning the flames". Beside maintaining the fear, it has a very positive effect : distracting people from a bunch of political concerning subjects, as for one the fact that they tried to hide at first the covid under the carpet.
Kevin and Cory. I would look further into learning how to make colloidal silver and keep some at hand.
I will try and get more info from Rob on where to find more information on it.
Basically, we buy 9999 silver rod on line and make our own. Requires the rod (1/16th" guessing, but not sure it matters), 1 pint ball jar with lid, alligator clips, rubber grommets for the lid, 9 volt battery and terminal to plug it in, distilled water. Pretty much an electrolysis set up once put together. About 8-12 hours delivers the right ppm in solution. We strain it to rid of the larger particles. A simple spray bottle for topical or disinfecting surfaces you can pick up at a store. We take it internally as needed for infection and topically. internally, about 2tsp 2x daily. topical at least twice daily for infected area.
IF you start feeling a lung issue develop, use a nebulizer and inhale it. 2-3X daily. I think we did about 2.5-3mg per treatment when we had symptoms at the beginning of the year. A nebulizer can be had for under 50-100.00. We have a Phillips Respironics set up for us asthmatics in the house here. We also did the internal doses as well during this time. My lung pain was gone in two days, breathing better with in the week. Katy 3 days and week. Rob took all week but he is pretty much COPD and smokes like a chimney.
No we were never tested. At that time, unless you were friggin' dying, you did not go to the hospital for the test. Not that there were a lot of tests available at that time either. But all the symptoms were prevalent.
Then, see if you can score some amoxicillin. Always helpful to have on hand.

This is how we went proactive.
Also, Hygiene of course. Wash those hands. Stay home if sick. social distance. If the masks make you feel better, go ahead.
Just some suggestions.
Colloidal Silver has its own controversies, but it is researched by many reputable institutions and the medical field.
You look at some sites and it is discredited. or you find stuff like this....

The way I figure it, pharma cant profit real well from it when you can make it yourself.
Doses are hard to pin down from some of my reading. So that leads to not approving it for certain treatments. Ya'll can do your own research into it and decide for yourself. Me, I'll stick with what I found worked in our case.
Viruses mutate. Thats how they survive. That is to be expected.

Just puttin in my .02
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10ppm is about where you want it. You can get a TDS meter to measure it.
Rob said 14-12 guage 9999 wire is fine. Clean tarnish off the wire between making it. You'll see the water change color, kind of tarnish and its pretty much done.
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  • #54
Fascinating post, and my hat is definitely off to you for being your own doctor.

But that's over my pay grade. I'll rub castor oil on my bad knee and into my scalp lol but cooking up a witches brew for anti viral and anti biotic purposes? Nah, not me. Heck, I've got my hands full trying to remove the flywheel on my 576 to see what sounds like is rattling back there, without ruining the saw. Can't imagine my results if I start applying alligator clips and a 9 volt to 1/16th" silver rod in a mason jar. :|::\:
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  • #56
Ha, thanks for the link. For better or worse, that is much more my speed;)
Stephen, I probably shouldn’t admit this but I have a history with colloidal silver. As I have mentioned before about 20 years ago I was diagnosed with hep C . I have a tendency to become obsessed with things that interest me. Since I was a single ladies man becoming hep C free was my obsession! I soon realized modern medicine had nothing for me. I tried many crazy treatments all done by my own hand. I read up on colloidal silver and found some folks that claimed to be virus free after infusions. I put 200 ml , don’t recall the concentration, straight into my vein. I truly thought I was going to die that night. Never have I had such nausea and head aches before.
Week later still had hep C
You can get silver wire at a jewelry store too. I started making my own in the late 90s. It's good for cuts also. Buy some very dark glass bottles with corks for storing.
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  • #60
Nah, Paul's not intense:\:. Makes $5k+/day cutting trees in folks back yard, proven and patented inventor, working on building a DIY hyperbaric chamber, former bicycle racer.

Just run of the mill stuff..;)
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  • #61
You can get silver wire at a jewelry store too. I started making my own in the late 90s. It's good for cuts also. Buy some very dark glass bottles with corks for storing.

Doncha just hate it when your personal stash of colloidal silver goes bad from improper storage!!!!
I don't know much about it, but I'd never think of using it internally. It just doesn't seem right taking a heavy metal like silver internally. At least we make use of copper, zinc, and iron. I use it in solid form (silver nitrate salt) for killing skin such as a wart. It leaves a silver oxide stain on the skin. Back in high school in chemistry class we extracted the silver by putting a copper wire into the solution. I can't remember if electricity was involved, but silver crystals formed on the copper wire.
Federal Govt in Australia has just announced $10m in research grants to ongoing Covid19 prevention and treatment research, 2x infection control, 2x post recovery treatment (neurological and cardio) and 1x age care setting and 1x continued vaccine development including further spike protein research to deal with new variants.
Sorry, short on detail, but thought it was timely given some of the discussion. All granted to Australain Universities and research institutes.
I remember that! First thing that came to mind when I saw the reference to colloidal silver...
"The elemental metal, Silver (Ag) has broad spectrum antimicrobial action against various bacteria, fungi and viruses."

The above text, taken from the link Stephen provided, is why I'm personally not a fan of colloidal silver as a prophylactic measure.

It is the same scorched earth thinking of dealing with 'all microbes' as germs and are therefore bad. This is simply not true. We know this, yet continue to fall back on these measures when we run out of answers.
Not yet but will if needed. We, my wife and I, are extremely proactive in our lifestyle and nutrition regarding health.

"Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities,"

if needed, might be for example if the variant covid has the high end transmission rate that is discussed. Know the risk, calculate the risk and go from there.

i guess I have slighty upped my intake of tumeric and ginger in my tea. so tasty though.

"The discovery that this constant battle with viruses has shaped us in every aspect -- not just the few proteins that fight infections, but everything -- is profound. All organisms have been living with viruses for billions of years; this work shows that those interactions have affected every part of the cell."

It is no wonder that the 'germ' concept prevails, when even papers containing powerful positive correlation in the absolute necessity of maintaining a 'relationship' with viruses, still refer to them as such.

Scorched earth approach is not the answer.
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what about worms? should we maintain a healthy relationshio with worms. or should we dose them with ivermectin.