Regarding Covid

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The proposed EU Covid passport means that you either have to have had Covid, been vaccinated ( Like me!!!) or had a test within 2 days of travelling.

Which part of that is big brother out to get you?
All of the above?
Just like the gun legislation they’re trying to push. They’ll use any tragedy to push their agenda. So the “mostly white” SYRIAN TERRORIST uses an AR variant to kill his victims. He MURDERED folks. Which is, and has been for some time now, ILLEGAL. To ostracize, condemn, or focus on the exact weapon he used is the equivalent of saying, “Gee, I sure wish he’d killed them with ________ “.
Ok, Scott, so before covid, we could travel anywhere without a passport.
News to me.
You need a PASSPORT....not a COVID PASSPORT. There is a difference.

I get’re cool with it. I’m cool with your being cool with it. Until it infringes on my rights.

Wow, you found an actual consent form for the study of vaccine.
The very stuff "they" are trying to keep us from knowing about.

You are a true hero.

Daniel, for crying out loud, that is in no way different from what people all ovcer the World sign every day, when we ( Yes, I am one) decide to join studies to help make medicine better for mankind.

If we had all been as paranoid as you, human medicine would still be at the " Place patient's head between two rocks and hit it with a third" level.
You need a PASSPORT....not a COVID PASSPORT. There is a difference.

I get’re cool with it. I’m cool with your being cool with it. Until it infringes on my rights.

What rights are those?

In which way is this different from me having to lay my life open to the FBI, CIA and Homeland security in order to get a visa to the US?
I don't have to do that any more, once you've visited enough times and never been caught flying into tall buildings or blowing things up with ANFO, they get tired of you and give you a life time visa.
Guess they forgot to ask if I was a commie :lol:

If you want to visit a foreign country, you'll damned well have to follow their rules.
In this case the rules are, they want to make sure you don't drag Covid with you.

Now, I've been vaccinated ( Which, according to our local doomscrier, Murphy, will undoubtedly kill me shortly) so I can go visit family in Schweiz.
My wife isn't, so she has to go get a test 2 days before leaving.
Is that really such an infringement?
In my opinion, if one is concerned enough about Covid to get the vaccine, they’re covered. Why do you care if I get it or not? Why don’t we start making Muslims eat a slice of bacon before allowing them on an airplane?

As I said before, I firmly believe that had we, as a nation, perhaps as humanity as a whole, taken the bull by the horns and just gone on with life, Covid would be in our rear view and we’d be moving on. Yes, some would have died. Seems a small price for those who cry “overpopulation” to begin with. As it is, we’re still trying to figure out how to get through this. More lockdowns. More political drama. Humanity’s behavioral patterns forever altered.
I'd be for that.

It is not caring whether you get vaccinated, it is about saying if you want in, show you are immune, vaccinated or tested.........or eat a slice of bacon.

Come to think of it, the bacon method would effectively keep me off airplanes, so maybe not.
They’ve already said that being vaccinated does not guarantee you can’t carry/transmit the virus, so how is that for consolation?
One of the major universities here has students doing daily nasal swabs to test the validity of the "you can carry it but not show symptoms" theory. it'll probably take a month or two before any results come with that I'm sure. But they're checking it anyway.

It is all still a work in progress. Kind of like cutting some trees down. Folks will ask me before I go up how are you going to do that and basically the truth is sometimes I don't know until I get there. You got to be in it to know what to do sometimes or what to try.
They’ve already said that being vaccinated does not guarantee you can’t carry/transmit the virus, so how is that for consolation?
It isn't a consolation, it's just an other political anounce.
The virus lands everywhere of course and can be send in the air again. So yes, someone vaccinated can carry the virus like everything, like car, plastic bags, pets, (even toilet paper LOL) ... but that's actually a relatively small amounts of viral particules in an unknown shape (from new/active to wrecked/dead). In the opposite, someone not protected (yet) by his immune system (either a previous exposure or vaccination) can be a huge factory of brand new viral particules and spreads truck loads of them all around. That's the difference.
For me, this announce has two purposes:
- it reduces their (moral) responsability for the "not working as much as expected" case, both governement and big pharmas.
- it allows the maintain of the other restrictive/mandatory measures (justified or not).
:lol: Oh, the irony!

Show me a study that tells that.

Oh, sorry, I plumb forgot.
You don't believe in medical studies, but in a conglomeration of texts from the first century in the middle East.

My bad.

You know, it is a constant source of amusement to me, how Y'all go on about big government trying to infringe on your rights and bringing you to your knees.
At the same time, you willingly get down on your knees and growel for a god, that hasn't shown it's face to humanity for 2000 years.

Oh, the irony!
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"America under siege, a beacon of light exposing the truth in the darkness of deceit"

This is almost as good as David Icke and the lizard people, Daniel.
Is Pfizer your Pfriend?

This video is nearly a companion video to this book. I just started reading it over the last week. I hope you all have enough sense to realize that big pharma is doing some evil things for greed. This book gives the details of their criminal behavior. It's one thing to know the truth in some vague way, but the details are much more compelling. @stig the author is a Dane that started his career as a big pharma marketing insider, who decided he had seen enough and did the right thing. There is no fluff in this book. See excerpts from the NIH article below.

The thesis of this book attracts attention: medicines are produced by organized crime syndicates. Peter Gøtzsche shows that the official definition of organized crime closely matches the activities of the largest drug companies. He lists each of them and shows that they have all been repeatedly convicted of marketing harmful—often fatal—drugs; substantial fraud; price manipulation; and concealment of evidence. The billions of dollars in fines levied against them for these offenses pale in comparison to the profits they continue to make, so these convictions are merely the cost of doing business.

The drug and medical device companies organize trials in the best populations and comparison groups to demonstrate their point; they control the data, do the analyses in-house, and employ professional writers to write the papers. They then select outcomes that suit their marketing needs and demonstrate the greatest differences, rather than the most important outcomes for patients. Too often, academics are then paid to be listed as authors when they had little input and cannot vouch for the data. Trials with negative results are buried and not published. Physicians who are concerned about marketing hype, and who therefore seek a balanced and valid view of the evidence, are fooled, as all the available data are biased. As Gøtzsche says, “The ‘best’ drugs may simply be those with the most shamelessly biased data.”

The book is comprehensive, with worldwide examples across many categories of drugs of how the pharmaceutical industry operates. It describes the history of the pharmaceutical industry well, and is current, with references from 2013. The comprehensive attack on the largest drug companies is scathing, and it provokes physicians to be more cautious about prescribing. But most important, it shows us that evidence-based medicine and guidelines have been hijacked, as the evidence base has been systematically distorted.11,12 Consequently, we must rethink which evidence and which recommendations we should use to help our patients. A helpful start is the Public Citizen approach of not using any new drug until it is 7 years old.13
Show me a study that tells that.

Oh, sorry, I plumb forgot.
You don't believe in medical studies, but in a conglomeration of texts from the first century in the middle East.

My bad.

You know, it is a constant source of amusement to me, how Y'all go on about big government trying to infringe on your rights and bringing you to your knees.
At the same time, you willingly get down on your knees and growel for a god, that hasn't shown it's face to humanity for 2000 years.

Oh, the irony!
Haha ... Only a fool twice damned would look at this world and all its majesty and wonder and NOT believe in a creator! In fact the DNA construct of every living being is a code so complex that it dwarfs anything man can create , modern science or not ! You want God to show his face ? Try looking in the mirror sometime jackass , unless of course you believe we “evolved” from apes ... in which case please show us the “missing link” ... I’ll wait , but I do not expect a answer from you , as your modus operandi is making snide remarks / ad hominem attacks rather than spirited discussion. Later tater :sleepy2: ... oh , and if you want an education into wtf is really going on try researching the Sumerian clay tablets - you know , the actual writings inscribed in clay from those who lived over 6 thousand years ago!
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