Regarding Covid

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What is your point?

This is in Europe, dude.
Unlike Americans, we don't loathe and fear our government.
If we don't like what they are doing, we get rid of them.
Simple as that.
Hanging upside down from a lamp post.

Ceaușescu didn't fare too well, either.
What is your point?

This is in Europe, dude.
Unlike Americans, we don't loathe and fear our government.
If we don't like what they are doing, we get rid of them.
Simple as that.
What’s my point ? The same point I’ve been making for hmmm 🤔, about a year now. It appears that many worldwide are now finally waking up to the fraud being perpetrated against them, however there seem to be too many sheep , npcs , soul-less beings, trolls , govt funded dis-information agents/ cancel culture vultures / ah let it go , ah let the other guy worry about it , types roaming the lands to simply “get rid of them”. Otherwise these “European Dudes” would have done so already - quite apparent to those with discernment that this is not the case. You see, at one time people would put their differences aside, come together and decide what to do and DO IT ... Now it appears they wish to argue about “points and facts” and DO NOTHING! :sleepy2:
Ever thought about the fact, that maybe over here we actually agree with what our govenments, the very people we elected, are doing?
Nah, we are just sheep to you.
Yes @stig I’ve looked at the situation from both sides , done many hours of research and came to my conclusion(s). There are others here who share similar opinions. Obviously( by your own words) you are of the mindset that big daddy government knows best. I am not of that mindset nor are many that inhabit this forum. I’m all out of tinfoil . Later tater
Do the people agree with the governments handling of Anders Behring Breivik?

"...lves in a three-room suite with windows, about 340 square feet, that includes a treadmill, a fridge, a DVD player, a Sony PlayStation and a desk with a typewriter. He has been taking distance-learning courses at his country’s main university. He has access to television, radio and newspapers. He prepares his own food, and he entered the Christmas gingerbread-house baking contest at his prison."
Do the people agree with the governments handling of Anders Behring Breivik?

"...lves in a three-room suite with windows, about 340 square feet, that includes a treadmill, a fridge, a DVD player, a Sony PlayStation and a desk with a typewriter. He has been taking distance-learning courses at his country’s main university. He has access to television, radio and newspapers. He prepares his own food, and he entered the Christmas gingerbread-house baking contest at his prison."

Do the people agree with the governments handling of Anders Behring Breivik?

"...lves in a three-room suite with windows, about 340 square feet, that includes a treadmill, a fridge, a DVD player, a Sony PlayStation and a desk with a typewriter. He has been taking distance-learning courses at his country’s main university. He has access to television, radio and newspapers. He prepares his own food, and he entered the Christmas gingerbread-house baking contest at his prison."

What has that got to do with anything?

I appologise if I am off track, but the previous post was about Denmark. Then you post a comment about some twat who executed a load of kids in Norway?

They are different countries.
Hey Biggun
If a thread about Covid is gonna devolve into the superiority of the Danish political system vs America's, then I dont think it reasonable for you to object to Norway being added.
Emperor Bokassa might appear in a future post. Ya never know...
.....and as to you.....Mick: the most basic of internet searches should answer your question.
Try googling something such as:
"Just how cushy are Norwegian prisons?"

here is an article in nature magazine from December 2015.... if you want to know why they had to put a disclaimer on it saying that the article is used to support the theory that sars cov2 is man made. but its not true. just read it
Hey Biggun
If a thread about Covid is gonna devolve into the superiority of the Danish political system vs America's, then I dont think it reasonable for you to object to Norway being added.
Emperor Bokassa might appear in a future post. Ya never know...
I didn't say our system is superior, merely that we don't fear and loathe our government.
Hey Biggun
If a thread about Covid is gonna devolve into the superiority of the Danish political system vs America's, then I dont think it reasonable for you to object to Norway being added.
Emperor Bokassa might appear in a future post. Ya never know...

Fair enough.

I still don't see the relevance of a mass murderer of children and how the conversation was going towards Danish Vs US Governments.

As for the prisons system in Norway... it is a bit of a joke from what I see and hear.

When Anders Brevik tried to complain about his human rights there was an article over here in the news. One of the girls who was on the island and saw friends die, stated "I don't give a frig what he is complaining about, think of the lives he has ruined. I hope he rots in hell"

Or words to that effect.

Brett, tell me please what a few hundred protesters, who primarily come from Football ( Soccer to you) hooliganism and now that football ( Soccer to you) is closed down, have found something else to go all hooligan about has to do with anything?

The stupid shits call themselves " Men in black".
In English, because that sound ever so much cooler than Danish.

They are almost as stupid a the Qanon folks.
Do the people agree with the governments handling of Anders Behring Breivik?

"...lves in a three-room suite with windows, about 340 square feet, that includes a treadmill, a fridge, a DVD player, a Sony PlayStation and a desk with a typewriter. He has been taking distance-learning courses at his country’s main university. He has access to television, radio and newspapers. He prepares his own food, and he entered the Christmas gingerbread-house baking contest at his prison."

I also don't get the meaning of this question, really.
If enough people disagree with such a small thing, vote another government in.
That is, after all, how democracy works.

But seen as a whole, in the running of a state, is this really something to get all upset about and bringing the hayforks and scythes out, lighting torches and marching against the tyrants?

They should have killed him, but, alas, Scandinavia doesn't have the death penalty.
We also have rules for the treatment of prisoners.

Yeah, stupid commies, I know.
So, a video with an unnamed lady is the best you can come up with.

Sorry, I had to tap out midway through.

So, when exactly were we able to travel to other countries without a passport?
Is that an infringement on our rights as human beings.

Shit, dude, first time I went to America, I even had to apply for a visa.

The proposed EU Covid passport means that you either have to have had Covid, been vaccinated ( Like me!!!) or had a test within 2 days of travelling.

Which part of that is big brother out to get you?