Regarding Covid

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Aaaaaaaaand her we go again with the ad hominem attacks 😀... go research gulf war syndrome! 500000 troops injected - 11000 dead , 100000 permanently disabled - go READ the Facts ... Jack ... my Lord , how can anyone possibly be so smart and yet so stupid ?
earlier this year I had posted about an experience at a trump country grocery store where they tried to implement one way aisles for thanksgiving that were being openly flaunted by the anti maskers. I was back in the same grocery store and ill be dammed there was not a single person without a mask. people dont think its a hoax so much maybe.. similarly, my saw shop was openly anti mask all last year. i felt like an antifa liberal going in there with my mask on. but after the boss caught it at deer camp and two of his friends died, they are stricter than anywhere now.
Aaaaaaaaand her we go again with the ad hominem attacks 😀... go research gulf war syndrome! 500000 troops injected - 11000 dead , 100000 permanently disabled - go READ the Facts ... Jack ... my Lord , how can anyone possibly be so smart and yet so stupid ?

Lets see: you say the vaccine is not a vaccine, that it doesn't work against infection and now you post a video of , of all things, a history professor, telling us that the virus was engineered as a " Biological weapon".

You've also said that the virus is a psy-ops designed to bring us under the control of Bill Gates and the Jewish cabal.

Yet you get pissed off when I call you a tin foil hatter.

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"Wear the mask for two weeks to flatten the curve" is what they told us a year ago.
Yeppers. They “flattened” the economy quite nicely didn’t they? Must be nice to be able to scoop up businesses for pennies on the dollar! Now it’s morphed into you MUST take a “vaccine” in order to fly (covid passports) - soon it will be ... no jab/no job , in fact a US company is telling employees they must have the vaccine by June or no job and they will pay them 4hrs pay for “compliance”- similar measures are to be taken worldwide. It will not stop there ... mark my words , IF the “sheep” do not pull there heads out of their collective asses shortly , you will be required to offer continuous access to your bloodstream just to live a “normal life”. Remember when they called it “conspiracy theory”?

I just bought the book... great find. we should have learned our lesson from Plum Island.

Congress never conducted an investigation into where the intelligence went wrong on WMDs that lead to the second Gulf war. And they'll never hold an investigation on where sars2 originated. You could easily make the case that these are the two two worst events in post-Vietnam US history. But the real story will get swept under the rug. They'll never hold a thorough investigation because if they did heads would roll. This guy wrote the anti-biowarfare law that was passed under Reagan. If you can't tell that this guy knows what he's talking about, you lack intuition. Why don't you fact-check this guy and come up with counter-arguments. Your immediate dismissal of this sort of information says more about you than anything else.
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Lets see: you say the vaccine is not a vaccine, that it doesn't work against infection and now you post a video of , of all things, a history professor, telling us that the virus was engineered as a " Biological weapon".

You've also said that the virus is a psy-ops designed to bring us under the control of Bill Gates and the Jewish cabal.

Yet you get pissed off when I call you a tin foil hatter.

Go research Dr. Francis Boyle @stig ... hint : he is not a “history professor” but rather a professor of international law who drafted the legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 - signed into law by President Bush. A conventional vaccine uses attenuated(weakened) virus. This jab is not a vaccine at all - It is an experimental mRNA gene therapy that uses mobile strings of genetic code that contain blueprints for proteins. The mRNA directs ANY cells it encounters to run a corona-virus spike building program. Up until now this technology has NEVER been approved for use in humans. Please do your due diligence when debating topics - Bringing forth inaccurate information ( in this case saying Dr Boyle is a mere history professor in a feeble attempt to minimize/mock at the same time) does you no favors ... so predictable
I'm well aware how the Pfizer BioNtech vaccine works. I just had it 3 days ago and I'm not in the habit of being injected with stuff I don't know about.
You keep saying over and over that it is not a vaccine, jsu because it doesn't fit your idea of what a vaccine is.

It is not a vaccine in the sense of being a weakened bacteria/virus, this is new and exiting.
See, this is one of the huge differences between tin foil hatters , anti vaxxers ( Murphy) and the rest of humanity.

Where we see it a a giant leap for mankind, y'all see it as something thought up to control or even kill us.
Oh, no! Bill Gates and the jewish cabal ( And in Murphy's case, the lizard people) are out to get us.

I thought it was really exciting and interesting when they came up with this vaccine, but then I'm not paranoid or live in a parrallel World, like you.

When Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, did you also see that as a new form for oppression of poor Frankie and husled out and bought cans of franks and beans for your cellar?

Oh, wait.
The moonlanding was fake...............I plumb forgot.
No one is paranoid , just doing their due diligence. The “vaccine” isn’t a vaccine at all in the conventional sense and has never been (until now) used in humans. This is by their own definition. It is a personal choice whether or not to receive it. I , having done my due diligence, will decline. This has absolutely nothing to do with FORCING people to undergo medical treatment (which is totally against the Nuremberg code by the way) to : A) fly on a plane (covid passports) , B) No jab / No job and down the road , C) ??? ... This isn’t a “conspiracy theory” , no tinfoil hats involved, no crack pot theories etc ... It IS occurring, right before your eyes, whether you choose to believe it or not , just as many here have warned about. Proceed at your own risk
I just bought the book... great find. we should have learned our lesson from Plum Island.

Congress never conducted an investigation into where the intelligence went wrong on WMDs that lead to the second Gulf war. And they'll never hold an investigation on where sars2 originated. This guy wrote the anti-biowarfare law that was passed under Reagan. If you can't tell that this guy knows what he's talking about, you lack intuition. Why don't you fact-check this guy and come up with counter-arguments.
Fact check ? Counter arguments ? Laughable ... all you will get is more of the same from these dimwits - ad hominem attacks, tin foil hats , lizard overlords ... it’s like listening to a broken record with some
Fact check ? Counter arguments ? Laughable ... all you will get is more of the same from these dimwits - ad hominem attacks, tin foil hats , lizard overlords ... it’s like listening to a broken record with some
I agree.. it's a waste of time. I have this theory that tree work helps develop common sense. and that common sense that was developed on the job is transferable to all areas of life. It makes you a better father, friend, and citizen. I was playing with the idea that tree men would do better on average at coming to obvious common-sense conclusions about sars2, but alas the programming is too strong and many are simply stuck.
I have a feeling breathing peroxide vapor isn't a good idea.

If you read down further to this section "Nebulized Peroxide Basics", he instructs to dilute it down so that it has no damaging effects. It's also recommended by other health professionals as demonstrated in the following (just a sample):

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The “vaccine” isn’t a cure anyhow. Your IMMUNE SYSTEM is what actually does all the work. Interesting info about mRNA vaccines : “There are potential risks from mRNA vaccines that include local and systemic inflammatory responses, which could lead to auto-immune conditions, and the toxic effects of any SYNTHETIC nucleosides or vaccine delivery components”. Sorry , not interested
With any vaccine, it is the Immune system that does the work.
Any vaccine, like this one, simply preps your immune system to recognize what ever virus/bacteria is attacking.
There are risks with ANY vaccine, just like there are risks with doing treework, driving a motorcycle or overeating junk food.

So now you deny that you have called the virus a psy-ops and said it was developed as a mean to control us by the jewish cabal?

Man, better hurry back and delete those posts like you did with the "Kamala Harris was sworn in on the tenents of Marx" post.

At least you could man up and stand behind all that idiocy, you have posted.
But no, not Frankie, he just runs away.
I agree.. it's a waste of time. I have this theory that tree work helps develop common sense. and that common sense that was developed on the job is transferable to all areas of life. It makes you a better father, friend, and citizen. I was playing with the idea that tree men would do better on average at coming to obvious common-sense conclusions about sars2, but alas the programming is too strong and many are simply stuck.

What is " Common sense" to you and Frankie, is paranoic nonsense to most of the rest of us.

But of course that is not because you are wrong, the rest of us are simply a bunch of pre-programmed sheep..............baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
That was the only thing I felt about my shot.
That little prick when the microchip went in.
If it hadn't been for that, I would have thought they had put me in the secret control group and just given me a saline solution as a placebo.

They do that, you know!
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i read through it. Not a reputable site. Where is the peer revied data? It's the internet yo.......I need more science

For the Brownstein article, as is listed, it's been reviewed and published on the Public Health Policy site, whose members are independent medical and legal reps.This comes from the Institute for Pure an Applied Knowledge (via the Public Health Policy Initiative) which has additional independent medical, journalist and legal reviewers.

Additionally, the doctors listed in the paper represent 4 other medical practices besides Brownstein's family practice (click on the second link for the full paper):

Also see the additional links I provided responding to nutball.

As for the HCQ article, they provide enough links in that article to provide additional evidence. That and the word of my uncle and pharmacist friend who both used it and recovered quickly seems to cover that (as far as I'm concerned).

Also, attacking the messenger (the website posting someone's article) is a losing position/strawman scenario.

And as I originally listed, the suggestions are for those who look for other treatments besides the big pharma ideas.