Regarding Covid

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I haven't even thought about getting a shot yet. Still too much hassle, and I don't really need it. If I'm dealing with people close up, I already screwed up.
For those looking for treatments for WuFlu other than vaccines, these 2 articles provide some good insight on alternatives. The Lifesite article is long, but well worth reading related to the various factions working against HCQ, which does work (I've had one family member and one friend use it successfully);

So our only hope is to take a vaccine (which by the way is NOT a vaccine by definition) that has been rushed into production? Please Show us the live attenuated covid virus that is being injected into the population like a conventional vaccine. Oh wait , you cannot because that’s not how this works at all. Tell us why someone should accept a “vaccine” for a disease that 99.97% of the population will survive and that one needs to be tested for to know IF he/she even has it. Why the rush for covid passports to travel if the vaccine a) doesn’t prevent transmission and only “lessens” the symptoms - it makes no sense. Please tell us Why are some companies now making it mandatory (and offering cash rewards of $30) for employees to get the vaccine - no vaccine/no job? Totally against Nuremberg code. Remember when they called them “conspiracy theorists”?
John, you being a fellow Treehouser and nurse, I totally respect what you do related to assisting in the care for those who require it. I also saw how you are a proponent of the mRNA gene therapy being marketed as a vaccine. As the initial line stated, it's info for those interested in alternative treatments, If you took the time to read them both and still hold the position that appears to be opposed to any other treatment, that's your right and I also respect that. However, as a medical practitioner, I would hope you would also be open to people seeking out alternate opinions. Have a good one and here's hoping all available treatments for this scourge help bring some normalcy back to your professional routine, as well as everyone else..
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i read through it. Not a reputable site. Where is the peer revied data? It's the internet yo.......I need more science
Two systematic reviews of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were found by our searches (Table 13, Table 14). The first (3) was published in May 2020 with searches completed April 17, 2020. At that time, only one trial of an mRNA vaccine was found, and results of it had not been reported. The second systematic review (4) has not been peer-reviewed and published, but a preprint of the authors’ manuscript was posted to the medRxiv server on November 4, with searches completed on October 20. Five trials were meta-analyzed in this review, but only one of them (5) involved an mRNA vaccine. That trial was very small, and while it found a higher rate of adverse events in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, that difference was not statistically significant. All of the reported adverse events were minor, most were localized, and all resolved within days.

from your link franki
Two systematic reviews of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were found by our searches (Table 13, Table 14). The first (3) was published in May 2020 with searches completed April 17, 2020. At that time, only one trial of an mRNA vaccine was found, and results of it had not been reported. The second systematic review (4) has not been peer-reviewed and published, but a preprint of the authors’ manuscript was posted to the medRxiv server on November 4, with searches completed on October 20. Five trials were meta-analyzed in this review, but only one of them (5) involved an mRNA vaccine. That trial was very small, and while it found a higher rate of adverse events in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, that difference was not statistically significant. All of the reported adverse events were minor, most were localized, and all resolved within days.

from your link franki
Ok ... but consider the fact that health care represents 20%+ of the GDP. If people weren’t “sick” the economy would simply go down the toilet. People are expected to trust the medical/pharmaceutical industry when prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer? It’s no wonder folk with critical thinking skills are questioning this new , never before tested mRNA “vaccine” which is by definition NOT a vaccine. I’ve seen studies on cats and ferrets where this therapy initially showed promise and the animals developed a robust immune response, however when exposed to the live virus ALL the animals DIED! In fact this “vaccine” isn’t yet fully FDA approved , it is being used under the EUA (emergency use authorization). 99.97% chance of survival constitutes an emergency- not from where I sit it doesn’t. Again ... why the covid passports? The mRNA treatment does not prevent you from getting covid-19 nor prevent you from transmitting it and after taking it you still must wear a mask and social distance ? makes absolutely no sense. Why are companies using coercion (ie no jab/no job) and or bribing employees to take the jab? Remember when they were called “conspiracy theorists”? 😂
For those looking for treatments for WuFlu other than vaccines, these 2 articles provide some good insight on alternatives. The Lifesite article is long, but well worth reading related to the various factions working against HCQ, which does work (I've had one family member and one friend use it successfully);

I have a feeling breathing peroxide vapor isn't a good idea.
Well in Australia the vaccines that are approved have gone through the FULL approval system, we are not in an emergency like the US so we had the luxury of time to watch those countries who started under emergency approvals and to wait to see if anything eventuated. Pfizer and Astra Zeneca have been fully approved to date.
So far over here, a Dr. who didn't finish the administration training injected some oldies with too much vaccine...heads have rolled, oldies are ok, and today about 500 dosed got tossed in the trash because they didn't keep good enough records on the cold storage.
My wife has been out of work for close to a year. The restaurant where she worked downtown closed when this first made landfall in Seattle area. She was headed to Arizona with my sons and about to leave 4 hours from now. She woke me up 2 hours ago complaining about an inability to take a full breath, back pain and pain in her throat. To me she looks like someone suffering from high anxiety. She lost her aunt back home in Italy to Corona virus, and she worries about her 80 year old father that's still in Italy. She's really been tough through all of this but I think that she has finally hit her breaking point psychologically.

We just changed the ticket to me flying into Las Vegas with the boys and then driving to Bullhead, AZ.

We have had so many brushes with Corona virus and always tested negative. I wear a mask when I'm indoors on jobsites. I wash my hands and seldom touch my face. I don't get to socialize like I used to, gee thanks Seattle. This is my first travel by airline since I moved here in Aug 2017. Looks like I have to start packing 🙃
Ok ... but consider the fact that health care represents 20%+ of the GDP. If people weren’t “sick” the economy would simply go down the toilet. People are expected to trust the medical/pharmaceutical industry when prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer? It’s no wonder folk with critical thinking skills are questioning this new , never before tested mRNA “vaccine” which is by definition NOT a vaccine. I’ve seen studies on cats and ferrets where this therapy initially showed promise and the animals developed a robust immune response, however when exposed to the live virus ALL the animals DIED! In fact this “vaccine” isn’t yet fully FDA approved , it is being used under the EUA (emergency use authorization). 99.97% chance of survival constitutes an emergency- not from where I sit it doesn’t. Again ... why the covid passports? The mRNA treatment does not prevent you from getting covid-19 nor prevent you from transmitting it and after taking it you still must wear a mask and social distance ? makes absolutely no sense. Why are companies using coercion (ie no jab/no job) and or bribing employees to take the jab? Remember when they were called “conspiracy theorists”? 😂
dont you love capitalism!
Well in Australia the vaccines that are approved have gone through the FULL approval system, we are not in an emergency like the US so we had the luxury of time to watch those countries who started under emergency approvals and to wait to see if anything eventuated. Pfizer and Astra Zeneca have been fully approved to date.
So far over here, a Dr. who didn't finish the administration training injected some oldies with too much vaccine...heads have rolled, oldies are ok, and today about 500 dosed got tossed in the trash because they didn't keep good enough records on the cold storage.