Regarding Covid

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Scott, we've covered it before, but basically it amounts to the fact that even natural immunity doesn't protect as much as the vaccines. Most everyone is completely over talking about this anymore, there's nothing we can say to change anyone's mind. If the unvaccinated honestly don't believe in modern medicine that's cool, just don't go clog up the hospitals when it happens exactly like they said it would. Modern medicine is one of the things that separate us from the other monkeys, and having a bunch of people clogging up a hospital over something so preventable is the epitome of selfishness. Not ironic it is mostly the me generation anyways. If so many people were overdosing on drugs that you no longer could get medical attention you wouldn't feel an ounce of sympathy for them either, it's just like that. My sister is an travel er nurse and deals with all sorts of clowns, desperate not to die but will yell at her thinking she's trying to vaccinate them when she's simply trying to draw blood or start an iv, as if a vaccine could even save them at that point. Nurses have been physically harmed by these fuckers, getting pushed or punched. Hard to feel sorry for that level of dumb.
Scott, we've covered it before, but basically it amounts to the fact that even natural immunity doesn't protect as much as the vaccines. Most everyone is completely over talking about this anymore, there's nothing we can say to change anyone's mind. If the unvaccinated honestly don't believe in modern medicine that's cool, just don't go clog up the hospitals when it happens exactly like they said it would. Modern medicine is one of the things that separate us from the other monkeys, and having a bunch of people clogging up a hospital over something so preventable is the epitome of selfishness. Not ironic it is mostly the me generation anyways. If so many people were overdosing on drugs that you no longer could get medical attention you wouldn't feel an ounce of sympathy for them either, it's just like that. My sister is an travel er nurse and deals with all sorts of clowns, desperate not to die but will yell at her thinking she's trying to vaccinate them when she's simply trying to draw blood or start an iv, as if a vaccine could even save them at that point. Nurses have been physically harmed by these fuckers, getting pushed or punched. Hard to feel sorry for that level of dumb.
Sorry but this entire line of thinking is bullshit. The vaccine isn't very effective and practically useless against the latest strain, which has very mild symptoms. Why inject an unknown vaccine which may cause permanent side effects in order to POSSIBLY reduce symptoms of a very mild cold? You are brainwashed. A perfect example of what happens when you listen to the talking heads on the TV news every day.
So are you saying that John No_Bivy is living a lie when he tells us,

"Healthy people can survive covid. The problem is we all don't know if we are susceptible until it happens, like clotting problems.
put a 34yo in a bag yesterday from a massive PE, unvaccinated, caught it from her teenage daughter. Not obese, but a smoker. Not sure why she developed a massive clot."

He is there in the trenches putting hands-on people that are truly suffering and dying. I have spent time with John...he is real, down to earth, no BS guy..."core" as some folks say. I really don't think he is exaggerating. My healthy friend that just had his right leg amputated...we are not imagining that. Good for you that you dodged the bullet...many thousands around the country right now are not as lucky. John's patient that developed a pulmonary embolism...that very mild symptom clot just killed her. And her teenage daughter that brought the virus home, she gets to live with that thought. Oh, well. Glad your world is working out for you. Enjoy your work day tomorrow.
natural immunity doesn't protect as much as the vaccines.

Where the F do you come up with that.. are you not able to see that is big pharma propaganda?

The Brownstone Institute recently published an article on the subject of re-infection. There are a number of large studies from countries that do a whole better job monitoring these things than the US does. Says natural immunity is better than the vaxx. In Israel the reinfection rate was 8 in 10,000. It's pretty clear that the variants have escaped the vaxx, but not so much natural immunity.

How Likely Is Reinfection Following Covid Recovery? ⋆ Brownstone Institute -

How Likely Is Reinfection Following Covid Recovery?

excerpts from the above:

We have looked at the published evidence and can conclude based on the existing body of evidence, that reinfections are very rare, if at all and based on typically a few instances with questionable confirmation of an actual case of re-infection (references 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25).

With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.
“By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave…Irish researchers recently published a review of 11 cohort studies with over 600,000 total recovered COVID patients who were followed up with over 10 months. They found the reinfection rate to be just 0.27% “with no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time”.
Gary- Yes, people die every day. It's guaranteed that living is 100% fatal. Rather than getting caught up in the emotional hysteria, take a look at the actual hard numbers of how many people are actually dying from the latest strain of covid. I'm not concerned about last year's numbers, the virus has evolved. It is now very mild but everyone is still freaking out over a mild cold. Yes, people die of the flu every year and have been for thousands of years. But now everyone is freaking out over a virus with less than 1% fatality. you can live in a bubble if you like, I'm going to live while I'm alive.
It boils down to a question of whether at risk folks, those with immune defenciencies, should be vaccinated?

The obvious answer is yes, by all means and as soon as possible, of their own volition, not govt or state mandates.

Denying that there's a healthy enough population of folks capable of withstanding Covid naturally at no cost, and then demonizing them's another kettle of fish entirely.

Covid killed my Mom at 93 in 2020, made me sick n feverish for 3 days, and kicked my young son's butt for over a month before recovering.

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John, serious questions here. What is your employer's protocol for dealing with Covid patients on arrival? Do they send mild cases back home and tell them to come back when really ill (with no info on prophylactic treatments; approved or unapproved)? And once very ill, what treatments will they provide? Thx in advance.
The monoclonal antibody treatment, garnered from blood donors who've recovered naturally from Covid's still widely utililized to my knowledge.

My doctor recommended monoclonal antibodies... His rationale was that there would be a slightly less chance of going to the hospital if I had the antibodies.

I declined and took the horse paste instead since he wouldn't prescribe ivermectin. funny how that went .. doc is willing to prescribe a product that cost thousands of dollars but not the generic off patent drug that cost less than a meal. And he's my best friend from high school...
If they have no respiratory distress, requiring O2, then they are sent home. Currently, there is a shortage of reagents for testing. If an individual happens to come to the ER with symptoms, and no distress, they will be swabbed and sent home to wait for test results. A couple of days for that test. Any psych patient, getting admitted will get a "rapid" test, which is 45 min. All other patients getting admitted for whatever reason get swabbed and that test will take 1-3 hrs. Tests for those are run in batches so you might get it fast or just miss the last batch. There are some that get admitted without a swab if the doc is fairly confident there is a low risk of covid. The last thing they want to do is put a positive patient into a unit full of frail surgical patients.

rest and supportive care are recommended for patients told to isolate. The ivermectin thing seems to be waining a bit. No docs at our hospital prescribe it unless you have scabies or worms. If we treat in hospital ER, they get a round of steroids and possible neb tx. Not sure of the course of treatment in covid unit.... I don't follow them. I have given redemisvir in ER a few times...pretty expensive. A lot of labs around covid focus on the potential for clots and sepsis. Folks who have bumped troponin from strain on the heart are gonna get Heparin most likely. The ones who suffer strange clotting cascades are the sickest for sure.

not sure why you want to come to ER for a test anyway, costs you like a grand probably. Our ER pharmacist calls for the posisitive. When I left on Saturday the stack was huge.

Of note, which I think folks miss, is that we don't know what strain someone has. Or at least I don't hear about it. I wouldn't discount or bank of which strain truthfully. Brian, I'm glad it worked out for you, what kind of test confirmed your positive.?

I can only tell you what I see, and granted it's from the sick side of things. With that said, folks who discount the potential are fooling themselves. Yes, you can get it multiple times. Does the vaccine keep you from getting it ? no. Will the virus mutate its way out, hopefully? Bragging that your case was like the common cold is pretty short-sighted. Calling others pussies, etc. That's some real fratboy-sounding shit.

I ask you this, if you had you be within 1-2' of someone super sick with covid, would the bravado still hold? I doubt it. I'm fine with someone not getting the vax. What I don't like is keyboard cowboys spewing misinformation. Pretty much why I don't respond to some because all they want to do is argue the same shit.

I hardly respond to folks who call it a "jab" for that reason. The info they have is mostly from the internet which we all know can be inaccurate.

Eventually, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences.

not sure why I bothered to type this but Beer Geek asked respectfully, so take it or leave it.
John, I didn't have a test done. I worked closely with a guy one day last week including riding in his truck with him for lunch. That night he tested positive, and about a day or so later I got sick. I don't interact with many people so I'm assuming I got it from him.
John, thanks for that post.

So, I was so troubled by the finger pointing, blaming and pure ugliness to the point of almost leaving last night. I slept on it and feel better today. I will try and not read this thread as it really is disturbing to see how people react and respond to each other. Uncalled for.

I've been here a long time and it would make me sad not to drop in here everyday.

Be well peeps.
Stig, there's millions of people protesting against covid restrictions in countries all around the world. And most of them, I'd bet, feel the same way I do about the issue. As well few others on this forum.

And by your account we're all a bunch of hooligans. Ha!
I didn't say that, I said Holland has had worse happen in the streets when someone's favourite soccer team won or lost or whatever makes them go mad.