Regarding Covid

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In some recent studies around waning immunity and Omicron, natural immunity acquired from having the illness, and vaccine induced immunity were at the same levels of effectiveness in a time frame of about six months.
Another report has come out documenting a confirmed re-infection of a group who had the original Covid, were ineligible for the vaccine, and have been documented re-infected (not sure Delta or Omicron).
Sorry, can't source it, its stuff I heard on radio or TV, usually from Dr. Norman Swan, the go-to Covid Dr, on the ABC.
I'm sure at the end we'd all like it to be just like the flu one day. Background noise.
You dont have to be a conspiracy theorist to see the emperor is naked.
Pushing the vaccine agenda; vaccine mandates down people's throats when 1. the new dominant strain "omicron" is mild, and 2. the vaccines are rather ineffective against it, is sinister.
In some recent studies around waning immunity and Omicron, natural immunity acquired from having the illness, and vaccine induced immunity were at the same levels of effectiveness in a time frame of about six months.
Another report has come out documenting a confirmed re-infection of a group who had the original Covid, were ineligible for the vaccine, and have been documented re-infected (not sure Delta or Omicron).
Sorry, can't source it, its stuff I heard on radio or TV, usually from Dr. Norman Swan, the go-to Covid Dr, on the ABC.
I'm sure at the end we'd all like it to be just like the flu one day. Background noise.

A cording to add Dr. Peter McCullough on the Joe Rogan podcast. He was stating that it almost medically impossible to catch COVID twice.

He claimed that people might test positive on two separate occasions but one was more than likely a false positive or standard flu. The SARS 2 Covid test has trouble differentiating between flu and Covid.

His words, not mine.
Dr. Peter McCullough sounds like an idiot, and is talking outside his field. Hopefully he's better at cardiology than he is at immunology.
True enough, but we're just here shooting the shit, with little real world consequences. Assholes like McCullough get on national media and try to bullshit people that are impressed with an MD after the name. You know what you call the person that graduated bottom of the class, at the worst medical school in the world?

Well, that just proves you can have a degree and still be an idiot.

Some of the most intelligent people I know have never gone to college. And some of the most "well-educated" people I know are just plain stupid. And there's a whole spectrum in between. Formal education does not always lead to wisdom.
Dr. Peter McCullough sounds like an idiot, and is talking outside his field. Hopefully he's better at cardiology than he is at immunology.

What makes you say that?

So it was ok to go in Sesame Street, as the CNN doctor did and advocated jabbing 5 year olds on a national tv show for kids?
I would certainly not call Fauci an idiot. Arriviing at his position, pushing his own bizness and others's like he did needs at the contrary an acute mind. About the righteous morality and rigor, that's a whole other story.
True enough, but we're just here shooting the shit, with little real world consequences. Assholes like McCullough get on national media and try to bullshit people that are impressed with an MD after the name. You know what you call the person that graduated bottom of the class, at the worst medical school in the world?


Well, as some of the Vaccine side effects are in relation to enlarging of the heart.

I would expect a cardiologist to have an interest in the treating of such a condition and also the prevention of it.

Just saying.
What makes you say that?
On what planet can viruses not mutate, and infect over and over? How many here have had numerous colds over the years? How about the flu?

Having an MD after your name doesn't qualify one to speak on everything medical. I'm a very good construction surveyor, a bit less so regarding property. I've read on survey law as it pertains the the US, including western surveys. I'm aware of many aspects of surveying, but I'm qualified to discuss construction surveying.

Geodetic? I know enough to research it, and could discuss it to sufficient level for casual conversation with arborists, but I'm not qualified to speak authoritatively on it.

Survey law? I'm somewhat familiar with eastern law. Much less so western. Call a lawyer. Even the best surveyor can only give an opinion. It's up to the courts to decide law.

and on, and on... People specialize, and it's rare for someone to be good enough at everything to discuss everything. Jerry has done it with treework, but that's rare, and it still isn't medicine.
A cording to add Dr. Peter McCullough on the Joe Rogan podcast. He was stating that it almost medically impossible to catch COVID twice.
He claimed that people might test positive on two separate occasions but one was more than likely a false positive or standard flu. The SARS 2 Covid test has trouble differentiating between flu and Covid.
McCullough listed some very specific parameters for identifying a re-infection and says the CDC was asked to show one case that met these parameters, and the CDC couldn't do it. That flies in the face of all the studies showing that natural immunity is x% better than vaxx immunity, so it's hard to see how that could be the case. But, there has been a lot of manipulation of the story and the science since the pandemic started and I wouldn't be surprised if McCullough turned out to be right on this one. One thing he says that makes sense is that if re-infection did occur the nursing homes would be full of people that had been infected twice. The flaws in the PCR test may be related to this issue.

And lxs calling McCullough an idiot is a projection.. this is a guy who is asking how he should prune a locust tree so he can mill the pruned wood...
McCullough, on the other hand, is the world's leading expert in his field, the editor of medical publications, has treated thousands of patients with covid, and developed a protocol for early treatment that works. He's been able to apply his understanding of medicine and science to covid. After all the lies and deception that has been spun by Fauci and his ilk, calling McCullough an "idiot" because his narrative doesn't match the BS coming from the health officials whose policies have the US treatment of covid10 ranking last in the world shows lxs is the idiot here.
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On what planet can viruses not mutate, and infect over and over? How many here have had numerous colds over the years? How about the flu?

Having an MD after your name doesn't qualify one to speak on everything medical. I'm a very good construction surveyor, a bit less so regarding property. I've read on survey law as it pertains the the US, including western surveys. I'm aware of many aspects of surveying, but I'm qualified to discuss construction surveying.

Geodetic? I know enough to research it, and could discuss it to sufficient level for casual conversation with arborists, but I'm not qualified to speak authoritatively on it.

Survey law? I'm somewhat familiar with eastern law. Much less so western. Call a lawyer. Even the best surveyor can only give an opinion. It's up to the courts to decide law.

and on, and on... People specialize, and it's rare for someone to be good enough at everything to discuss everything. Jerry has done it with treework, but that's rare, and it still isn't medicine.

Myocarditis and Pericarditis come under Cardiology - does it not?

Surely he would have an interest in the prevention? Speaking as a cardiologist as opposed to a building surveyor.
Not just Covidiocy in this article, but also the state of affairs here in the US, so it seems to fit best here (good, short read):

great article copied and pasted below :

My guess is that Americans, by and large, cherish Christmas more than they fear the latest Covid-19 government-sponsored terror campaign, and that the globalist tyrants — or whatever you want to call them — behind “Joe Biden” have now gone a mind-frig too far. Omicron is all they have left, and it’s not much to work with. Spreads easily, mild presentation, immunizes naturally. What’s not to like about this variant of SARS-CoV-2? Kind of looks like an off-ramp from the Covid-19 mass formation psychosis nightmare.

Of course, the last thing the authorities want is an end to the pandemic panic. The Emergency Self-Authorized President Anthony Fauci was all over cable news Sunday night with dire warnings about a winter-of-death! “We have a tough few months ahead,” he warned. “Get boosted!” A CNN blonde told the nation: “The case for boosters has never been stronger.”

Is that so? Omicron supposedly started in South Africa some weeks ago and Covid deaths there are at an 18-month low. The existing “vaccines” appear to be completely ineffective against omicron, so how is more of that stuff going to help? And then why all the hysteria about vaxxing up the vaxx-resistant? Insofar as the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines present not insignificant risks of harmful-to-fatal side effects, plus being ineffective, what is the prudent bet there? Speaking of which, will the public even be able to discern whether the alleged winter death surge is a result of Covid or of adverse reactions to the vaxxes? My money would be on adverse vaxx events.

Why is there absolutely no talk — except in the state of Florida, run by Governor Ron DeSantis — about comprehensive early treatment of Covid? Why is the CDC not setting up early treatment centers around the USA, where people with symptoms can receive monoclonal antibody infusions and kits of well-known, cheap, safe and effective oral medicines that can be used easily at home to defeat the virus? (Those medicines have been surreptitiously outlawed by our own CDC, you know.) Is it outlandish to suppose that the official “Joe Biden” government objective is to allow as many people to die as possible in order to keep the public terrorized? Meanwhile, they’ve provoked the public to line up for Covid tests using a PCR system so discredited for Covid detection that months ago the CDC scheduled it to go offline on December 31st, (And, uh, why the long time-lag between the decision and the action? Answer: it allows the CDC to falsely jack up case numbers until the year’s bitter end.)

With the apparent defeat of the Build Back Better boondoggle, following a long list of other failures, the “Joe Biden” regime’s main chance for retaining any power is to keep the Covid panic going long enough to re-run the mail-in voting scams of 2020 in the 2022 congressional elections. It’s a weak play, though, since the opposition is fully onto it. And if the Democratic Party loses as many seats in Congress and the Senate as it deserves to lose, not a single piece of their toxic legislation will see daylight until the mastodons come home in the next ice age. Also consider that Democratic Party operatives by the limousine-load will be hauled in to testify before opposition-controlled committees and many of these will be subject to criminal referrals.

Anyway, that election is a long ways away while events are moving fast and furiously. Chiefly, the regime’s favorite narratives are falling apart along with its poll numbers and the collapsing economy. “Joe Biden” is programmed to make a pitch for Christmas lockdowns on Tuesday night. I’m sure that’ll go over well (not), on top of the renewed threat of vaxx mandates that will get millions of working people worried and pissed-off about losing their livelihoods — as they go about their frantic last-minute Christmas shopping while making plans for family gatherings that may be cancelled (including airline tickets). Let’s go, Brandon!

One useful idea floating around the Internet lately is for a nationwide general strike to take place on January Fourth, the first back-to-work day after the holiday. It’s simple: don’t show up for work and don’t spend a nickel. The message will be clear: Just stop it! Stop the coercion, stop the lying, stop the shenanigans, and stop the mind-fuckery. If that event comes off, a lot of people will be free for the day — maybe a few days — to take to the streets and demonstrate their principled opposition to illegitimate political leadership. ”Joe Biden” and company will jump up and down, calling it another “insurrection.” Guess what: nobody will believe them.
Myocarditis and Pericarditis come under Cardiology - does it not?

Surely he would have an interest in the prevention? Speaking as a cardiologist as opposed to a building surveyor.
An MD is a *practicing* doctor. To oversimplify it, researchers(PhDs) discover new knowledge, and an MD utilizes it. A PhD isn't a practicing doctor, and an MD isn't a researcher.
An MD is a *practicing* doctor. To oversimplify it, researchers(PhDs) discover new knowledge, and an MD utilizes it. A PhD isn't a practicing doctor, and an MD isn't a researcher.

Thats still doesn’t answer the question.

Ok, as a practicing Dr. that specialises in Cardiology. He shouldn’t have an interest in the prevention of such conditions he is expected to treat?
I don't understand? Yea, I imagine he'd be interested in preventing heart issues. That doesn't make him a cardiology researcher, or have the requisite knowledge to tie vaccines to heart issues.