Pulleys, mechanical advantage, and splicing

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Nov 1, 2015
Douglasville, Ga
Hey everyone,
I remember seeing some posts somewhere about using pulleys to make the final bury on tough splices easier. I've been able to splice everything except All Gear's Wraptor. I've tried three times so far and I've pulled off a window frame and porch beam. I'm curious as to where to attach the pulley configuration to the eye and how to go about it. Any help would be amazing! Thanks everyone.
First and foremost you gotta get yourself a stout anchorpoint so you can really wale on things!

Many times if you're relying on MA to get the bury in, it could mean that there's something wrong elsewhere in the splice. But some ropes are just BEASTS to finish and you gotta open up a can on them.

When I have to use MA to get the job done, I have 2 stout anchor points (in my case, trees) anchor the splice to the one tree, then the puling side of the 5:1 to the splice, then the stationary side of the 5:1 to the other anchor, then I'll have someone pull the 5:1 tail while I work the throat of the splice.

I do this very rarely.

Hope it helps.
On a tough bury I massage the throat and smack it with a soft rubber mallet. One time I and to pull with a truck to get the final bury on some well used and abused 3/4" stable braid. The rope was crusty as all hell.
I've used an electric chainfall pulling the prusik to bury a tough rope, but it was for a sling and not life support. With the speed of the chainfall it seems to easily glaze the rope. I'm looking to make a hand crank windlass mounted on may be 5ft of I beam or C channel.. Just waiting on free or cheap parts for a suitable bollard. I have a nice selection of gear boxes from 20:1 to 60:1.
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I can't believe I didn't think of having someone else pull the pulley rope while I worked the splice. I've got a big rubber mallet and a pair of channel lock pliers with tape over the teeth to beat and squeeze the throat(of the rope). They work well for other ropes, just not the Wraptor. I think I'm not keeping enough tension on the core during the bury so it keeps bunching up at the very end. I'll try backing it out again and redoing it before I move on to mechanical advantage. That way I'll have time to make sure my anchors are stout enough. Thanks for the advice and for your thoughts everyone!