People with no clue :D.

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Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
A quick story, one I bet many here might see themselves in...

So I'm doing this little bit of rigging to take an almost dead, big and long Doug fir limb off a tree in front of our house...had to rig it because some pretty flowering shrubs and plants are below it. Just a couple of easy throw bag settings, haul up a rigging rope, tie in a running bowline and pull it up snug, and anchor off the letdown side. Reachable with a 16 foot polesaw.

Just as I'm about to start the cut, my neighbor from a couple of properties over, maybe 1/4 of a mile away, walks up my driveway and front yard with a mis-delivered FedEx box I'd been waiting on.

The normal back and forth..."thanks"..."no problem".

Then he looks up at the bowline cinched on the limb I'm obviously fixing to cut..."how the hell did you get that knot on that limb way up there?"

So I show him a mocked up replica on a little tree nearby...three times, per his request. His reaction was as if I'd made gold from lead right there in my front yard :lol:.

What we do without even thinking about it, is beyond what most folks can even conceive.

It made me feel a bit special, it sure did...I don't get that much these days, old retired fart that I am.
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I just experienced the same thing, B, but I was the observer and not the "artist". Jer has been clearing some trees in our yard. Many were weaving thru and over and under our utility line. I have watched him work a lot, but never around lines. He kept assuring me he knew what he was doing, but I was still on edge the whole time. One by one he rigged those trees, cutting and lowering and readjusting the rigging. It was completely amazing! It was artistic! Never did even the slightest limb touch that line. You tree guys are really special. Also of note, I could see that Jerry enjoyed every minute of, once again, using his skills. I am sure you felt the same way. The 2 old guys still rule!
*You should see me work!

*Exclusions and limitations apply. Amount of amazement will vary per individual. Not responsible for injury or property damage. If injury or property damage occurs, discontinue use and consult an authorized repair facility. Rights may vary by state.

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I just experienced the same thing, B, but I was the observer and not the "artist". Jer has been clearing some trees in our yard. Many were weaving thru and over and under our utility line. I have watched him work a lot, but never around lines. He kept assuring me he knew what he was doing, but I was still on edge the whole time. One by one he rigged those trees, cutting and lowering and readjusting the rigging. It was completely amazing! It was artistic! Never did even the slightest limb touch that line. You tree guys are really special. Also of note, I could see that Jerry enjoyed every minute of, once again, using his skills. I am sure you felt the same way. The 2 old guys still rule!

Terri, my much admired friend :)...Jer is one of the luckiest men on the planet, to have you as a partner with enough skookum to see skill, talent, and wisdom on display by your everyday partner. It does not happen all that often, I fear.

I'm similarly fortunate, so I know how much it means to hear that appreciation from one's beloved.

You are an amazing person, Terri. Thanks for two things--first, for sharing your time and thoughts and smart observations with us here; and second, for taking care of Jer, as I'm sure he also does for you.

He is a special sort of resource to all of us treefolk. Rare. The young ones in the trade especially, really need to hear from him for as long as is possible.

But I have to say, you are also a great source of wisdom, having pulled through so many hard challenges, and to come out in a place that is worthy of great respect from us all. Your participation here in the TreeHouse is not of the usual variety...and is extremely valued.