Our New Forum - Does everything look OK?

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  • #76
And I miss having a normal left foot. I'm still waiting for SteveBullman to check in and I don't know what Peter's up too, but he ain't been paid yet.
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  • #78
Well, the unread posts is back, but it ain't working quite right. Peter's working on it, but it's starting to get late in NZ.
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  • #80
Hey, it just started working when I'd click it - it wasn't before. Peter's on the ball.

Just wait 'til ya'll see what I'm up to. I mentioned this once before and no one caught it.

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  • #82
Check out the forums page. The who's visited today, birthday, and calender are up and running. The portal page with the rotator is next.
Hey, it just started working when I'd click it - it wasn't before. Peter's on the ball.

Just wait 'til ya'll see what I'm up to. I mentioned this once before and no one caught it.


i did that this morning.....hope i didnt step on peters toes....it looked like there was a version of it installed that was disabled, i think this was the old version carried over from the old database maybe.
I'm logged in as soon as I hit the Index page now. The header graphic shouldn't be limited in size. I think in the Admin panel it just asks for a file location and it will put that up in the header box.
I love that button. I can now be more accepting of the rest of the changes.:D
It's looking great here. Not sure about the minor details as I have to explore, but the visual form is great and it functions with ease & simplicity so all good for me :)
Trust me on the polite language thing. The lingo here has about twenty-five different forms of polite. :|:...and only one form of impolite. :evil:
What happened to the Elders? I read where it's not working for some, but saw no solution....what to do?:?
Thanks. I just looked five minutes ago and 'tweren't there.

Brian, how can you boot me out? Surely anyone who can notch and fell a severly leaning three inch diameter dogwood tree is worth retaining.