Official Guns Thread

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Australia outlawed guns a few years ago. jus sayin

Not quite.

They outlawed all semi auto and pump action Rifles. Unless you are a pest controller or own a huge farm and need to keep feral animals away.

The latter being more and more uncommon because pest controllers have to pay alot for their licences and jump alot of hoops, farm owners didnt.

Australia used to have gun laws that varied state to state.Now its all under a federal Umbrella.
I would quite like an AR-15 for target shooting. Sadly I would be required to join a sports shooting club for two years and attend 20 shoots in order to get one.

Ironically a 18 year old of sub average intellect who completes their one years military training gets a select fire Rifle or Subgun for 20 years or life should they climb the ranks.

I had two AR's in New Zealand, a 20" HBAR and a 16" carbine. Both were suppressed. I shot all mannor of Animals with them, from big red deer to Rabbits.
7.62, M-14. 400 and 500 yard targets, with open sights. Lob'em in. The 16 was flat by comparison.

Haven't shot in the longest time.

I liked shooting. In the military you could shoot all day long if you wanted. Fact they encouraged it. I qualified with a lot of different weapons. Even rocket launchers.

Dad's basic training course was at Ft. Ord California in 1962.

His was the first group through there that got M-14's.

Everyone before them got to use M1's.

They were worn out by the end of Basic. Mainly from cleaning them to death.
Jim Hit it on the head. .243. Purple tip is 6mm Nosler.
I am working some loads up with some IMR 4350 for the 95g Boat Tail Ballistic Tip rounds. I scored about 500 of the projectiles that were sitting on a shelf with some older prices on them. Yup, took all they had. I have some Hornady 100g we already have a formula for. These will make nice Coyote rounds. I also got small base dies I am trying out for my Savage 99 Lever. A buddy and I are probably going to build a couple AR 10 platform in .243 as well in the no so distant future. We'll see. See how long our supply of primers holds out :lol: Got more powder coming. Just not what I need for the .243. But I have some in reserve.
Finished up about 300 .223 today as well.
7.62, M-14. 400 and 500 yard targets, with open sights. Lob'em in. The 16 was flat by comparison.

Haven't shot in the longest time.

I liked shooting. In the military you could shoot all day long if you wanted. Fact they encouraged it. I qualified with a lot of different weapons. Even rocket launchers.
It really was a lot of fun. M-60 and M-249 machine guns, M-16 rifle and M-4 carbine, M-9 pistol, M-203 which is like a single shot 40mm grenade launcher mounted on the underside of an M-16 or M-4. Variety of hand grenades and M-18 Claymore mine. And the AT-4. Oh baby I like the AT-4. There’s training ones that fire a single 9mm tracer round. Never got to fire a live AT-4. Probably expensive, and one time use only.

The M-2 50 cal machine gun and MK-19 grenade launcher looked sweet, never got to play with those.

Still, I trained with more firepower than any medic would ever need.
Jim Hit it on the head. .243. Purple tip is 6mm Nosler.
I am working some loads up with some IMR 4350 for the 95g Boat Tail Ballistic Tip rounds. I scored about 500 of the projectiles that were sitting on a shelf with some older prices on them. Yup, took all they had. I have some Hornady 100g we already have a formula for. These will make nice Coyote rounds. I also got small base dies I am trying out for my Savage 99 Lever. A buddy and I are probably going to build a couple AR 10 platform in .243 as well in the no so distant future. We'll see. See how long our supply of primers holds out :lol: Got more powder coming. Just not what I need for the .243. But I have some in reserve.
Finished up about 300 .223 today as well.
Well, got to play today before trap practice.
Found a sweet spot for each rifle with those projectiles. Probably just going to make everything small base. They just fed better.

The hotter rounds I made were slamming a plate out at almost 300yrd with out adjusting hold. Could even iron site lolly pop it. Not bad for my old eyes. Happy happy. Now I get to make more :D
Lever Savage 99 and my wifes savage bolt action. I don't remember the model.
If you want a 6.5 CM, let me get the specs on my buddys semi. That thing out performs his Ruger precision. And I think he has his loads all sorted out. Friggen tack driver. I'll see him Wed or my next rainy day.
When I got home today, I ran a quick 50 batch of .223 for Rob. I had ordered a new die set as the one I was given was acting worn. Rob and I both had trouble with cycling. Him especially. Rather than shoot up factory mil spec .556 at coyote, best fix the issue. I went to do it last weekend and the decap pin broke on the new set. Ordered more and they came yesterday. So after all the prep, sizing etc.. all good. It was the die set. Whoop whoop.
Well, found some powders for reloading. Not terrible pricing. My buddy Don found some others leaning more towards small arms and shot shell.
Falls kind of what I am doing too except I want to start doing my 38s, 357, 327 fed mag, 44 mag and .40s more here than over at his place now that we have weather coming in. I use some rain days so we can work together at his place, some here. The camaraderie is nice and I learn a lot from him. He casts projectiles as well. So I get some from him and give him all the lead I find. Good for practice. Now if only I can find primers at a reasonable price. Serious gouging going on there. Hope the supply catches up soon. Snow days, his place is hard to get in and out of often.
I kept that in mind buying powder. There is a limit on the purchase. But I kept in mind who I know reloads what. So some of that powder will turn into other things. I may have something they need, and vise versa.
Some of the guys at the club go down to the big store and stand in line for a box of primers and a pound of powder. I have to work.