Official Guns Thread

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Jim, bit due about the fire house filling the tanks. I don't have a PCP, yet. I wear 2XL gloves. They are still tight.

Now that such lists have between mentioned:

Barrett .50
Ruger 1911
Ruger 77/17V
Ruger 77 .458 Win. Mag.

Why? Just because.

My guns...


My oldest son and I have been having a ton of fun with my 1860 Army blackpowder revolver this past summer. It's great for kids because you can really scale back on the amount of powder you use to make it more "kid friendly".


My 2 oldest boys love to shoot these too. Ones a 22 and the other is a 410. They kick a little harder because of how light weight they are, but they are great for backpacking trips into the woods.


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I'm glad you kept those Eric.
I'm glad I kept these too. Close friends and family took the other guns that I had for sale except for the M1 30 cal carbine and the 22 cal target pistol.

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What night sights do you have on the Shield, Stephen?
Not sure the brand. I can check with the shop next time I go in. He set it up prior to me buying it just to sweeten the deal. You figure he put the sights on it, polished the loading ramp and a couple goodies inside. Then added the grip. Gave me a box of ammo and I came out only 100.00 more than list. Granted, he knows I will be back for more. Of course I did not leave with out buying a holster, a double clip holster and two more clips as well. :D

They are fibre optic and glow in the dark. trippy.
Yeah.. I just had to... This is not a picture of the actual gun. I'll post that when the new optics get here. It came with a Bushnell scope that was broken. Not apparent until I tried to sight it in. Bang... the cross hairs fell apart.
The story is I guess a guy bought it. Never even shot it. Got sick and died. The widow sold it ...
It also still had the horrible flip up rear iron sight that just aint gonna cut it. So I ordered a new scope
I bought a Weatherby SA-08 12 gauge auto loader the other day.

499. Synthetic stock, matte black.

Its not as familiar as my Benelli, but still pretty good.

I hand threw myself some clays the other day and it shoots well.

I love shooting clays.
You throw em up then with one hand then grab the gun n shoot? Sounds difficult!
I need to eventually acquire more scatter guns. But for now...
This was a deal I just could not ignore. It's an older model. Sat for a while. In .223. I might look into other barrels and such, but .223 is cheap enough and fun to shoot varmit with. I don't bird like I did when I was younger. I do need to pick up a .410 to introduce the kids to the idea. I enjoyed shooting skeet when I was a lad. Was good at it too.
Just pulled the money on Lillys 22 as well the next day. SO it will be a few before I order the next 2-3
I want a Ruger SP101 in a 3" in .357
Circuit Judge in .44 Mag
Lever in .357
Bolt in 556, probably a Ruger American
A lever 30/30
I could go on.. :lol:
I sit the clays on my kid's trampoline. About waist high.

I hold the shotgun with my left hand and throw the clay as far as I can with my right.

I have a trap that I can run with my foot. It cocks and throws when you step down on a lever so you can use it yourself. But it was in the shed.
Pretty much Lilly's Rifle. Muddy Girl Henry Youth
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If you are looking for a .410, I would suggest the Mossberg 500. I bought one a couple of years ago for shooting pigeons in the shed.

Its a sweet little gun for 300 bucks. I tried to find an H and R single shot, but they are discontinued.

When my buddy wants to challenge me to a round of clays he takes my Benelli and leaves me with my .410. Its still not enough handicap! He will clean my clock with a rifle, but I whip him with a shotgun.

I would not change barrels on that Mini 14. You can shoot .223 so cheap now its ridiculous. I dont bother reloading for .223 at all. I cant make them as cheaply.

I have some AR parts that I need to do something with. My buddy bought me a Spikes Tactical lower and a fancy new hand guard. The hand guard is cool as it does not use a nut that has to be aligned with the gas tube. It has a nut that is small so the tube goes above it, and then the hand guard is located with allen screws at an angle.

I need an upper, all the parts for the lower and upper, plus a light 24 inch barrel. I was going to chamber it in 22x6.8, my gunsmith really likes that one. But .223 is so cheap to shoot.
Lilly is 7 and big for her age, but not quite enough for a full size rifle. The Red Rider was about right for her in a BB gun. I took Levi in last Christmas and had him shoulder one. They are almost the same size even being two years apart. He shouldered it nicely and the trigger pull was right for him. He's got quite good with it. The optic sights are nice as well. Quality built. I decided on it rather than the rascal. Seemed a nicer build. Hell, I would not mind having one for back packing.
.223 is about .50 per round in CA at best and often a tad higher. I am looking at a reloading set up made by Hornady. I would certainly save money on my 45-70, .357 40 and 44
And thanks for the tip on the .410. Gonna look it up
Hmmm, I bet Lynley would like that.

One thing I did not like about the Rascal was the fact that it cocked with the bolt, cant remember if it was cock on closing or opening....dosent matter.

I like that you have to pull the striker manually. Dad always said that he liked taking us out with an old Winchester pump gun. He could see at a glance if it was cocked or not.

I will look into that Mini bolt. I like the Henry company.
Oh yeah. I can do a lot better in some cases by reloading.

I have been reloading for 22 years or so, using RCBS stuff. I use some Hornady dies though.

It is just a single stage press, I never needed a progressive, dont shoot as much as I did.

Some of the guns I shoot do not have factory ammo available, so I must reload.

Once you have the brass you can absolutely save money. Buying brass and making handloads is expensive.
Nice American made rifle. Yeah, the one more step of pulling the striker was a good point of sale for me.
You figure the steps to load, cock the striker and take off the safety is a good procedure to help them memorise the order to fire.
The ejector works nicely as well.
Levi has got it totally down, right to the point of handing the rifle to a person with the unloaded chamber, open bolt safety on. I was able to get it sighted in pretty easy as well. Short barrel does diminish the range a bit. But hey...
Stephen I've had great service out of an RCBS for over thirty years and loaded a whole bunch of loads for a lot of different calibers and it's never given me a problem. For the money I think they are hard to beat. A pistol shooting friend just bought a Dillon progressive press and fell in love but I can't justify the price tag and don't really shoot that much anymore. Are you looking at a single stage or a progressive loader?
Sure a shorted sight plane is harder to hit with at range. Shorter sight plane and all that.

But a .22 LR makes all the velocity its going to make in about 16.5 to 18 inches of barrel. I have a couple of long barrel .22 target rifles that shoot slower than my 20 inch Winchester.

The tiny amount of gas is done expanding and cannot overcome the frictional forces of the longer barrel.