Hi and welcome. You can look at www.treestuff.com too. I always get my stuff from Luke. I have the alu geckos and they are fantastic...
Benn from Long Island
Benn from Long Island

Hey, we've all had gear we wouldn't wanna show off... kinda like dating an ugly girl.
Maybe I should try lighter gaffs. I use a pair of steel bucks from to 80's. They were a retired pair my uncle gave me when I started climbing. The weight never bothered me. They have sentimental value. I should probably switch but sentimental value is powerful with me. When a highly skilled person gives me something, one whose skill far exceeds mine, I tend to cherish it like its an honor for me to be using it. Im a weirdo like that. Its like if Jay sent me one of his wood working tools. Im no carpenter. Id probably hang it up on display like its a masterpiece. Im funny like that.
With a saddle, it can be very difficult to know how any particular one will suit unless you get an opportunity to at least hang in it a bit, so if there is a shop that carries them within reasonable distance that's worth doing. If not and you order one shipped in, as is the case for most of us, better to keep it really clean and try a few tests in it before deciding to keep it. It's worth some shipping cost lost to return one and try another rather than spend a pile on a saddle you don't like.