Morbark Chipper Won't Start

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If one cylinder wasn't working properly it was probably a bad injector. If it's bad enough the fuel builds up in the cylinder and can seep through the rings and into the oil. This makes the oil level high causing more problems. It sucks that it's happened with so few hours. They should be eating that cost. I went with a bandit. I love it. At work they are all Vermeer. Although I have my issues with them I will say there service dept is great and their company policy is to give a loaner out for warrenty work or recalls.
:lol:agreed Jim. I learned just enough Spanish to get their attention when I had to work along side a landscape designer company.
So we picked up the chipper from the kubota dealer on Friday. They said one of the fuel injectors wasn't working properly. They replaced it. Though the machine is out of warranty, the service manager got Kubota to cover it since the machine only has 300 hours on it.

At the moment, seems to be ok....

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Between mobark and Kubota I would think you should expect satisfaction, they are good companies making very good products.

Btw, shouldn't that auto feed have a reverse on it to back the material off of the knives a couple inches so the knives don't overheat from rubbing on the material while the feedwheels are paused?
That's the plan!

We used it to handle a dying pittosporum. It did alright. But yeah- time for a new machine.

Thanks for telling us where things are at Nick. It gives good perspective for problems I may run into.

Cory is referring to "reversing autofeed" as distinct from "autofeed". I think Bandit has youtube vids that show its benifit to the knives.
That's a 49hp machine. It seems way worse than it used to be. The it's not cutting good. It's slow and it doesn't have good pulling power. It likes to spin over the branches sometimes. Im not sure what it is. Knives are sharp. I just ordered a new anvil (it's not in yet) but the feeding is just not like it used to be.

This machine was once pretty nice for us.

Anvil edge rounded over?
When did you last square up the anvil?
My 35 hp Bandit (w. Hatz diesel) would have gulped down that chunk of wood like it was a twig.
I dunno if these issues are the fault of the product, or the operator, and if the latter, then changing from product A to product B may not accomplish much over the long haul.
Google says all Morbarks have 4 sided anvils. You haven't rotated that 3 times in 300 hours right?

Part of a chippers 'pulling power' comes from sharp knives in combination with sharp and adjusted anvil.
Google is wrong. Our chipper has a lop sided 2 sided anvil. It's odd. But yeah. We've had two of them, which means we are average a swapping every 75 hours.

We'll see. New anvil should be here tomorrow or the next day. Probably get replaced this weekend.
You know I don't know that off hand! I just went off what the manual says. I'll be rechecking that this weekend when I put the new one on, so I'll report back.