Morbark Chipper Won't Start

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I dunno if these issues are the fault of the product, or the operator, and if the latter, then changing from product A to product B may not accomplish much over the long haul.

Dude you're totally right. I know that my understanding of chippers and engines is very limited and minimal. But when I bring it to two dealers and then engine guys, when I get it back it should be....close to new? Now all that can be said about it is "it has the ability to chip some things."

I guess I'm kinda hoping bandit or vermeer will be better at managing my deficiencies! ��
Dude you're totally right. I know that my understanding of chippers and engines is very limited and minimal. But when I bring it to two dealers and then engine guys, when I get it back it should be....close to new? Now all that can be said about it is "it has the ability to chip some things."

I guess I'm kinda hoping bandit or vermeer will be better at managing my deficiencies! ��
Part of it is they don't test the machines properly after a repair, you know, with wood. As far as they're concerned engine starts, rollers and flywheel turns, it's good to go.
Keep at them, get the anvil turned for starters.
That part actually pisses me off. I know it's annoying for them to keep a pile of brush nearby for testing purposes ...but you know what else sucks? Paying my employees to drive the chipper to all these different repair shops. There needs to be a one-stop chipper repair shop. Maybe I need to start ChipperCareLA

Can you send your chip truck filled with some brush? Dump, chip into truck, good to go? If its not good to go, they're going to have a pile of brush in the parking lot until its fixed!
Dude you're totally right. I know that my understanding of chippers and engines is very limited and minimal. ��

Hey Nick - no slight intended on my part. Seems like unless someone is running a BIG operation, and can afford to employ a full or part-time mechanic / bookkeeper / salesperson / etc, in addition to a crew of monkeys, then you either gotta be a jack of all trades in this biz, or find reliable, competent people that are your "go to" people when you need help.
I hate getting ripped off, and try to fix anything and everything I own (and break), even though my time would often be better spent churning out treework and leaving the fixit mechanic stuff to a shop.
I had an agreement with a mechanic when I ran my biz. He dropped everything when I had a problem & I paid him well over the odds. Worked well as I reduced my downtime drastically. He did all the usual servicing etc at normal rates. Might be worth a punt if you can find the right garage. I'd look at truck mechanics as they usually have a better idea fixing plant.
Altissimus, how many hours without touching anvil?

Bandit has anvils available that are of a harder or more wear resistant steel supposedly. It starts with a crisper/sharper edge like cold rolled steel stock as opposed to hot rolled with a little more radius.

It's not going to survive steel and rock incounters as well.
Machine is a '97 ... Salesman said adjusting Anvil clearance w knife change is critical ... Techs said nope , just makes a slightly bigger chip w knife wear.
Never heard that. I bet it chips better with the right shape to push against. I've never changed my blades without changing my hexagonal anvil. I know how much better it chips with fresh knives and something to push it against.

Adjusting the clearance is critical if you are putting longer knives in, like a new set, especially because they are max size. You need to maintain minimum clearance.
Yup. Forgot to ask you in return, Sean... What percentage of Pruning/Removal do you do? Any more State Parks wedge pounding?
I quit SPs on my 40th birthday, about 2.5 years ago, as a present to myself. Way too dangerous. Poorly run in a lot of ways. I liked working with my boss a lot, though.

half and half, roughly. Maybe more pruning. A lot of the removals are hazards compared to ones people don't want. I got sick of killing trees this summer, working on a laminated root rot pocket at my daughter's preschool.
I get it. Anyone know what causes Laminated RR?

Working for the company that I do, I'd rather cut stuff down, partly because I don't like the way that they bid their pruning.

Sorry for derail.