Eats the rims from the inside out. You find the problem when the liquid is leaking out of the rim. If you have the time and money most put a tube in first.
Another option is Beet juice or windshield washer fluid, nether rust the rims.
Believe it or not, our local tractor dealer recommends and used a molasses base liquid as weight. We added it to all 4 tires of our multitrac. It made it less bouncy at high speeds and lowers our center of gravity for working on hills. We also have it on the rear tires of the kubota. It has the consistancy of water. Does anyone else use this?
I need to foam fill my new rear tires for a bit more counter weight, but I really don't think I will add more weight to mine in the tired state it's in already!
No Carl, my plate isn't cracking yet, I am sure that is coming in time though!
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