It can be hard all right to kind of divorce yourself from what is inside a tree when contemplating or advising whether to cut it or not. A bit like trying to look at all women as your sisters.
Lol. I don't think I'll be putting you out of business anytime soon Jay.
Ha Ha ,and you thought rollers would make things easier when you have to take your hand off the mill or stop completely so you can clear debris out of the way.Naw. My Sperber mill has multiple long rollers. Occasionally a piece of bark or something might get thrown up on top and could get run over by the rollers, but is easily removed before. You have to give some attention to how things are sitting flat on top anyway, be it rollers or a bar. The fine dust isn't a concern. After years of use i think I can authoritatively say that it isn't a problem with rollers, and wider mills built that way and especially when run alone, are easier to use. It would be a weird set up where enough dust gets thrown up on top to affect the lumber dimension.
I could see how it might be somewhat more critical with a band mill that takes a smaller kerf and maybe leaves a smoother face, but the surface from a chain generally isn't a thing of beauty anyway.