Sweeping low can be effective.
First test is Nov 22.
I'm not a student of the arts but my ex supposidely was a first degree black belt in what,less than year ???I think it had more to do with her instructer trying to get in her knickers than her skills .It has lost all meaning and been turned into a bad joke.
Where I'm going no one can become a black belt in less than 6 years. At least that is my understanding. It will take some much longer.
It sure took me a lot longer.
I had trained karate fanatically for a little over 20 years before I became a blackbelt.
Partly because I didn't care for getting one and partly because I refused to do all the bullshit one was subjected to in order to get permission to try out for it.
Finally I swithed to another style with less bullshit and my sensei asked me to test for it because it was getting awkward to have a brown belt teach the advanced classes.
So I became a black belt. Didn't notice that my karate got any better because of that.
Most of you like to talk about the contact type of stuff .My son was in Judo for a few years starting at 6 years old . Although he only did it for a couple years he ended up being a fine jr high and high school wrestler as a result of his former training which of course had to be modified somewhat .