Legal Pot In Cali

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Huh. My current thought is, any potential accident - push for tests regarding driving under the influence.

Driving under the influence of what? Marijuana? Having been up all night sick? Having been up all night worrying where your daughter is, and with whom? A test for being super pissed off about an argument with a spouse before getting into the car? A test for being wooped from a hard run of storm work, zombied out from so much decision making and hard work?
A test about being a competent driver, currently? Test for prescription drugs with crazy side effects?

There are a lot of ways of driving under the influence of something. Overall, pot makes people less aggressive. Could they be zonked out and rear-end someone? Sure. How often do you hear about this? Last accident that I recall being in, a super long time ago, I was under the influence of a cute Austrian girl, no substances. Half my fault, half the fault of the crazy cabby speeding down the parking lane, illegally. I was distracted and crept out into the intersection (parking lane).

My friend somehow passed his driver's test when we were 16. After a few months, he got glasses that allowed him to see, well. Sketchy first day, for sure, as I recall, all these years later. Totally sober.

Lots of ways to be a bad driver. Influence of marijuana, just one of many. Not that marijuana makes someone a better or worse driver necessarily.
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Great thoughts seanKroll.
I will add that a guy who works with me 'forgot' all the essential steps to hooking up the chipper to the chip truck. He is a heavy user.
But overall i am confused with the weed vrs. Liquor. Alcohol has a very measurable harmful effect on safety. It seems like grasping for excuses with finding harmful results from weed.
Driving under the influence of what? Marijuana? Having been up all night sick? Having been up all night worrying where your daughter is, and with whom? A test for being super pissed off about an argument with a spouse before getting into the car? A test for being wooped from a hard run of storm work, zombied out from so much decision making and hard work?
A test about being a competent driver, currently? Test for prescription drugs with crazy side effects?

There are a lot of ways of driving under the influence of something. Overall, pot makes people less aggressive. Could they be zonked out and rear-end someone? Sure. How often do you hear about this? Last accident that I recall being in, a super long time ago, I was under the influence of a cute Austrian girl, no substances. Half my fault, half the fault of the crazy cabby speeding down the parking lane, illegally. I was distracted and crept out into the intersection (parking lane).

My friend somehow passed his driver's test when we were 16. After a few months, he got glasses that allowed him to see, well. Sketchy first day, for sure, as I recall, all these years later. Totally sober.

Lots of ways to be a bad driver. Influence of marijuana, just one of many. Not that marijuana makes someone a better or worse driver necessarily.

What a crock! cannabis affects motor skills, concentration and judgement, these are not things you want to be impaired when behind the wheel.

Great for getting high and having a good time of course.
Driving under the influence of anything that impairs or distracts you is a recipe for disaster.
there is a reason the blood alcohol limit is .05, there is a reason there are stiff fines for using a mobile phone or device while driving, there is a reason why the person pissed off at their partner who runs a red light gets pulled over and gets a ticket, there is a reason why the dopey newly licenced driver who can't negotiate an intersection can have their licence suspended and be sent back to driving school! And why the person who crashes their car when they fall asleep at the wheel gets booked for due care and attention or dangerous driving.

FFS, if you get into a vehicle to drive...use your BRAIN, it's multi ton potential killing machine, why anyone would try to rationalize the difference in 'affectedness' for driving under the influence of any mind altering influence is bizarre.
BTW...on the news, apparently Trump is going to try and reverse the states' legal pot laws because they violate federal law...roll back 'Obama Era' legacies.
You know it's kind of funny how certain things are illegal until they figure a way to tax it .Doesn't really make a difference what it is .
What a crock! cannabis affects motor skills, concentration and judgement, these are not things you want to be impaired when behind the wheel.

It's true! When I get high I can't even work the cd player or figure out how the steering wheel operates! One time I sat in the backseat and spent an hour trying to find the ignition.

You are soooooo spot on, Mick! :rockon:
Recently, I saw a car weaving a little in front of me. When I pulled up to the car at the next redlight, I saw a young girl, with a cigarette and cell phone in the left hand, putting on eyeliner with the right hand.
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Prostitutes, weed... hell yea buddy!!!
