Administrator Emeritus
Cool. No Yakuza was needed!
When I get rid of my book one day. I will give it to someone. Fundamentals has given me so much it would feel wrong to do otherwise.
Seems even more worthwhile to get another print run together, Jerry. If you could use some financial backing, I'm willing to visit about that.
A revision is WAY more work, for sure...but might be even more of a good seller.
Either way, if I can help at all, holler.
Where is the emoji for quizical head scratch and chin whisker rub?If I run for POTUS I'd hire you all to run the campaign. Thanks for all the support!!
Jay, a little better than 20,000 in 20 years.
Sean, thank you, but Terri would be slighted if she couldn't do it.
Burnam, thanks for the consideration, but money isn't the issue here. I chose not to do a reprint for the reasons I cited before. Another, if I failed to mention before, is storage. I'm plugged up.
I did mention before that anyone can take on what I don't feel like doing anymore.
Is the "fundamentals" book still in print? Cant seem to find it anywhere.
Seems like there would be enough demand for another printing. Prices are crazy. My neighbor knows about self-publishing. Wonder if it is in the plans.
I'd buy one, but not for 10 grand![]()
Some of us have been trying to talk Jerry into doing a revision for more than a few years now. I still think he'd produce a book that would in the very least match the sales of the first.
I wish he'd reconsider.
With the prices commanded on the used book it would certainly seem a reprinting would be in order. A revision would be great.
Prod, prod.
A revision would certainly sell better than my redwood books. Of which I give far more away than sell.
And thank you, sir!
Just making them, all the hiking, the picture taking, the research, and then putting it all together is such a gas for me. 10-12 hour days no problem. Enjoy every minute.
Scalping. He bought'em fair and square: the first printing in 1996. Heck, I didn't even know he had any left. Then he called and asked what he should do. I told him, "Do what everybody else is doing with them, you fool. They're yours".
Terri said she seen one going on the net for $3000 bugs. Can you believe it? It's a Picasso!
Seems even more worthwhile to get another print run together, Jerry. If you could use some financial backing, I'm willing to visit about that.
A revision is WAY more work, for sure...but might be even more of a good seller.
Either way, if I can help at all, holler.