Jerry Beranek's Fundamentals

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Jerry, when we came over to climb in 2009, I brought my old copy of " Fundamentals" with me, meaning to have you sign it.
In all the climbing excitement, I forgot all about it.
Guess mine might be the only copy to have crossed the Atlantic ocean 3 times.
$1200 !!!! Get Back Loretta! , ... though hardcovers worth more I guess. Sotheby's might call it provenance as Charlie also took the Rockport pics.
Scalping. He bought'em fair and square: the first printing in 1996. Heck, I didn't even know he had any left. Then he called and asked what he should do. I told him, "Do what everybody else is doing with them, you fool. They're yours".

Terri said she seen one going on the net for $3000 bugs. Can you believe it? It's a Picasso!
I dunno either. This is the first I heard about it. I was kind of shocked at the price that Nick posted. What the heck.

Some people are buying copies and then reselling them for more. double / triple the price they bought them for.

Aint it all human nature.
It is. Just seems rude in a fairly small relatively tight nit industry like treework.

Most people see and respect what a selfless, dedicated and monumental task it would be to have created that book. And to me it seems wrong to try to take advantage of that. That's how it seems to me. People looking to make a huge profit off of your hard work.

Doesn't seem like it is in keeping with the spirit of the author.
Well, if I was Charlie and sold those books at those prices, I'd at least send J and T a case of wine. The good stuff...
When I get rid of my book one day. I will give it to someone. Fundamentals has given me so much it would feel wrong to do otherwise.
My copy is actually lent out to a green tree worker at the moment. I should bug them about where they're at with it soon.
Mine has been on loan ever since I got it.
Apprentices, friends in the industry, so far it has always been returned.
Mine was loaned out to the teacher of a chainsaw certification course. I told him to take his time with it. About four months later just when I was getting a bit antsy about it he dropped it off.