Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

[QUOTE="murphy4trees, post: 1046908, member:
. I likely don't care enough to look back into it.

But enough to bother the rest of us with it!
I AM simply reporting what is going on in a chain email amongst famous scientists... That report of what they are sharing is true (not necessarily every detail of what they are saying but that they are saying it). You can make up your own mind from there.
You are in on a chain email with famous scientists................wow!
I'm so impressed.
Don’t forget he just got off the phone from a top doctor in Canadà who revealed the vaccine didn’t work for certain people.
Oh and a client (high up in defense procurement) revealed to him the US is gearing up for a war with China.

Mixes in some fairly lofty circles does Murph.

from email:
Note that the Oxford researchers only looked at blood clots occurring within two weeks of the first dose of an mRNA vaccine. They did not look at clots temporally associated with the second dose. Consequently, the conclusion emphasized in the press release for the mass media to parrot, that the risk is lower after vaccination than after infection, does not logically follow.

blood clotting disorders are associated with vitamin d deficiency, WHICH IS TREATABLE, how many blood clot cases in Covid are the result of untreated vitamin d deficiency followed by viral infection?

They want to compare blood clots per million vaccines with blood clots per million cases of severe Covid, which is already a false dichotomy.

Add to that the fact that they are not looking for treatable predisposition to blood clots before vaccination.

What about women on chemical birth control? That predisposes to blood clots. What is THEIR risk from the J&J vaccine? Or any vaccine?

And per Dr Noorchashm, they are not screening for ANY predisposition to blood clots.
Regardless of how many folks develop symptoms after the vax, it will be excused and explained away. Covid is the deadliest threat mankind has ever encountered and we must do all we can to defeat it.
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And if people are aware and concerned about taking the jab, they can decline, as it is not FDA approved, only EUA approved (meaning it is still in phase 3 trials that don't end until 2023 or 2024, depending on manufacturer; see Pfizer study info below), so Informed Consent laws require the jab admins to inform you of this. And you can further your decline claim citing the Nuremburg trial decisions and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

From that link:

from Raymond Obomsawin MD creator of the iconic graphs VACCINES DIDN'T SAVE US gives us a new and Important Slide show Presentation Document.

RNA BASED VACCINES & THE RISK OF PRION DISEASE RNA based vaccines pose special risks of inducing prion-based diseases caused by activation of intrinsic proteins to form prions. “The folding of TDP-43 & FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease & other neurological degenerative diseases.” In turn, these diseases could become “even more common & debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent.” Moreover, “Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon & even more dangerous than the original infection.” Classen JB., COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines & the Risk of Prion Disease; Microbiology & Infectious Diseases; Jan. 18, 2021; 5 (1): 1-3

SLOAN KETTERING DISCOVERY MEANS MRNA “VACCINE” COULD INACTIVATE NATURAL TUMOR-SUPPRESSING PROTEINS https://alethonews.com/2021/03/12/scientists-at-sloan-kettering-discover-mrnainactivates- tumor-suppressing-proteins-meaning-it-can-promote-cancer/ Recent discovery - Innate mRNA is vital for cancer tumor suppression. Covid vaccines synthetic mRNA may displace this function once both doses are administered, & may cause massive increases in cancer among the vaccinated. Unbiased research on this plausible danger is now urgently needed.

SLOAN KETTERING DISCOVERY MEANS MRNA “VACCINE” COULD INACTIVATE NATURAL TUMOR-SUPPRESSING PROTEINS https://alethonews.com/2021/03/12/scientists-at-sloan-kettering-discover-mrnainactivates- tumor-suppressing-proteins-meaning-it-can-promote-cancer/ Recent discovery - Innate mRNA is vital for cancer tumor suppression. Covid vaccines synthetic mRNA may displace this function once both doses are administered, & may cause massive increases in cancer among the vaccinated. Unbiased research on this plausible danger is now urgently needed.

FORMER PFIZER CHIEF SCIENTIST & VP MICHAEL YEADON ISSUES WARNING In accord with Cahill’s conclusion, mRNA vaccine’s stimulation of “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to Antibody-Dependent Amplification, (ADA) typically months after vaccination. This can be fatal. Yeadon confirms that such fatalities occurred in multiple Corona vaccine animal tests. Antibodies attacking spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 will occur. Spike proteins contain syncytin-homologous proteins - essential for placenta formation in humans - so permanent infertility could occur in vaccinated women (& possibly men). The vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). Since 70% of people develop antibodies against PEG, large numbers could experience disabling or fatal anaphylactic shock reactions to the vaccination. (Widespread disablement & deaths now occurring.) h%ps://theliberal.ie/doctor-and-former-pfizer-vp-claims-rushed-vaccine-could-causepermanent-infer=lity-and-other-catastrophic-side-effects/
I think I finally get it, Murphy.
I'll either die or get mad cow disease.

At least then I won't have to put up with all the bullshit you post.
Silver lining, you know.
Somehow I didn't expect to get Life of Brian from you, Brett.
But on the other side, the religious side of you have always been tempered by a great sense of humor.

Now I'll simply have to visit Youtube and hear the whole thing.

Norway put a blasphemy stamp on it, so it couldn't be shown.
So there was one cinema in Copenhagen ( Kultorvets biograf) that showed it every saturday night for several years.
That way Norwegians could get on the ferry from Oslo, arrive in Copenhagen in time to get good and drunk, then watch Life of Brian and sail home.
You'd think that with all those members, it should have been possible to find 2 with a sense of humor.
But then, they had only managed to relax their rectums a little after "Jesus Christ Superstar" when this came up.
Poor guys.